Chapter Seven

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Here's chapter seven :) I hope you enjoy it,




 Jace made a clean downward arc with his seraph blade. It buried itself clean into the demon's head, which gave a loud, ear piercing shriek. He pulled the seraph blade out, and the black ichor spurted out of the demon. Some of it landed in Jace's hair, then it began to curl into itself as if died. Just as he was about to say something about how his hair was ruined, claws dug into his shoulder. He let out a cry of pain, and the seraph blade fell from his hand with a clatter. Clary screamed his name in terror. He reached for the dagger in his weapons belt, and slashed backward, effectively cutting into the demon that had him in its grasp. It released him, then he turned, ready to kill it, when Isabelle's whip wrapped around it's neck. She pulled tightly, and a deep cut appeared. It feel to the ground in a pool of it's own blood. convulsing and folding into thin air as if it wasn't there. He gripped onto his shoulder tightly, sucking in his breath in pain. Clary ran over to ask if he was okay, but he waved her off before she could ask if he was okay. She had a panicked look on her face, and he leaned down, giving her a kiss of reassurance.

"We will put a healing rune on it when we get back to the institute. Surely Alec is ready to rip off someone's head by now. You know how he hates having to watch over everyone alone." Jace said.

"He's not completely alone. Magnus is there." Isabelle pointed out. Jace gave her a look that said "yes because that really makes a difference," and took Clary's hand in his. She gave a shrug in response, and the three of them began walking to the institute. They weren't very far away from it, only a mile and a half. Jace was quiet as the three walked, while Isabelle and Clary were in deep conversation about what sounded like Idris.

Lesley turned off the shower and stepped out, wrapping a towel around herself. She opened the bathroom door and entered into the bedroom. She went to her bureau and put on her bra and underwear. Just as she was about to open the drawer that held all of her pants, there was a soft knocking at her door. If it wasn't for her shadowhunter hearing, she would have thought it was her imagination. She looked around quickly for something to put on her body.

"Just a minute!" She yelled to whoever was on the other side. She grabbed a pair of leggings and a tee-shirt off the floor, then ran to the door, opening it. Cassia was standing on the other side. "Oh hi! Please come in." Lesley greeted stepping aside. Cassia walked in, sitting in the desk chair.

"Sorry if I interrupted anything..." She said to Lesley, who smiled, shaking her head, she went to her bed, laying down on her stomach.

"You didn't. I just got out of the shower is all. I was looking for something to wear." She said, and the other shadowhunter nodded. "So what's up?" She asked her.

"Oh nothing, I just wanted to check and see how you were doing. Is your head feeling better?" She asked Lesley, who nodded.

"Yeah. It feels like nothing ever happened. How have you been? Adjusting to the institute and all after moving from Rome." Lesley asked the other shadowhunter. She shrugged in answer to the question. "I just came here myself for the first time like a week ago." Lesley said. "In fact I didn't even know I was a shadowhunter. Max found me fighting off a demon with a kitchen knife in my own home... and then I found out that same demon killed my..." Her voice cracked and Cassia furrowed her eyebrows. She got up and sat next to Lesley. "It..." She couldn't finish her sentence as tears began to flood out of her eyes and down her cheeks.

"You don't have to tell me." Cassia said. "I understand." She embraced Lesley in a tight hug, rocking her back and forth as her body shook with more tears. "Sometimes a shadowhunter has to break down before they get stronger." She whispered.

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