chapter 3

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After my little encounter with Mr annoying, but absolutely gorgeous guy. I was already annoyed by the school I wish my parents were here so I can be in Jamaica with my friends. But their not all because of me and my stupid audition.

I felt the tears fighting their way at the back of my eyes but I quickly push them back. I don't want to cry on my first day that would draw too much attention.

After entering the class I took a seat at the middle of the class. I hated sitting at the back I was too far from the teacher. And I hated sitting at the front, I would be too close to the teacher.

Told you I was weird.

I was in the process of taking out my book and pen, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Get the fuck out my seat", said a very high pitched voice. I swear I felt my ear drum cracked alittle.

I looked up to see a tall blond girl with green sparkle eyes and very full lips. She looks like a real life barbie doll. But had too much make up on her face.

I started scanning the desk top with my finger.

"What the fuck are you doing" she said glaring down at me.

"Well I don't see daughter of a clown or queen bitch marked on the desk" I said calmly looking up at her. "So I guess its not yours then", I said to her but this time glaring back her.

She stood there with her mouth hang open. I guess she wasn't use to person talking to her that way.

"Do you know who I am" she said I swear I saw fire in her eyes and steam blowing through her ears.

OK maybe I am exaggerating but that would be awesome.

"Nope, but I guess your going to tell me" I said in a bored tone and sighing.

"I am a person who can destroy your life with the snap of my finger" she said getting even angrier seeing that I wasn't scared.

"Ooo nooo I am soo scared, mummy mummy help help!!!!" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

I heard a few students snickered, whom I soon realize was watching along.

Before she could answer the teacher walked in and send her to find a seat. She stomped off to the back off the class with her two minions behind her. She sat down and they did the same.

"Good morning class", the teacher said setting his brief case on his table. He was a short chubby man, who looked like a walking teddy bear. He was really handsome though, and he had bright blue eyes.

His eyes flickered over to me.

"Ahhh I see our new student have made it to class, why not stand and introduce yourself," he said motion his hands for me to stand.

I let out a groan, but eventually stand up. Didn't want to disrespect my teacher.

"Hi everyone" I said. "My name is Abigail Holmes, I am Jamaican and I once loved singing". I concluded. And quickly sat down.

"Why don't you love it anymore" the teacher whom I found out his name was Mr Anderson after seeing it on his name tag on his desk.

"Stuff " I said shrugging my shoulder. He nodded his head, seeing that I didn't want to talk about it.

The memory was too unbearable to talk about.

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