''I'm sorry,'' the dark haired male says in a rush,giving his hand a firm squeeze which Jackson returns with equal force,'' Im Jaebum,I'm new here.''He smiles and Jackson's smirk falls flat,the temperature in his body rising slowly.He quickly disconnects their hands ,running a hand through his hair when he raises his cap to adjust it.Jaebum laughs awkwardly,the sound of it buzzing in Jackson's ears suddenly so close and so clear that he has to take a step back.Luckily Jaebum fails to notice it.

''Holy shit,what an awesome way to meet your boss,right?''Jaebum asks with a goofy grin on his lips,his eyes crinkling at the corners and Jackson-Well Jackson has to look away because his head Is starting to throb intensely and his throat itches for something,anything,to make the situation more bearable.

''So,how long have you been working here?''Jaebum's question is light and Jackson swallows,very aware of the warmth on his palm and the drip of sweat that rolls down his neck.He takes of his jacket,dropping it over the bench.

He clears his throat before answering,''I helped my dad since I was sixteen,but legally began working when I turned eighteen,''He casts a look at the group of kids that are still doing the same sloppy technique and he itches to stop them and make it right.Plus, he really needs an excuse to stop the silly conversation from going in the wrong direction.

''Everybody,stop.''He shouts and the gym falls into a silence,all eyes fixed on him,including Jaebum's.

''You're teaching them wrong.''Jackson points out briefly and doesn't stick around to see that the annoyed look is back on Jaebum's face.He goes to the pair of kids that were the closest and pulls the boy by his arm to stand closer to him.

''First,your posture is totally wrong,''The boy stares at him,unsure of what to say or what to do,''You need to bend your knees more,see?''Jackson says,demonstrating the right position.''You,with glasses,come here.And take those off you'll brake them,fuck,don't you kids know nothing about safety?''The boy looks like he's about to shit in his pants for a moment but does as he is told non the less and comes towards the pair.

''Put your right hand on his shoulder and your left leg between his legs.You are the attacker,''Jackson explains and watches with sharp eyes as the boy does so.

''Good.Now you,''he addresses the other boy,''Take him by his elbow,and twist your right leg behind his left-yeah just like that,''Jackson nods approvingly and glances back at Jaebum who looks deep in though,his cheeks flushed lightly and tips of his ears also red.Jackson brings his attention back to the boys who look more then slightly uncomfortable in the given position.

''You,four eyes,are the victim.''The boy opens his mouth at the rude nickname but shakes his head and turns back to look at his opponent,deciding it's best to just let it slide.

''Use your upper body strength to push his body on the ground and twist his ankle with your foot,like this.''Jackson pushes the boy away halfheartedly so he can demonstrate and in one swift movement he has the other boy pinned to the ground with a painful groan escaping his lips.Other kids widen their eyes as the kid below lets another huff of air.

''I think that's enoug-''Jaebum tries to say but Jackson shuts him up with a sharp,piercing gaze.

''You got it,kid?''The boy nods,still slightly star struck,and Jackson's smile is a satisfied one,''Good.Now you try.''


He is about a foot out of the room when a voice shouts his name.It feels slightly weird,hearing his name being called with an unfamiliar tone of voice,but he turns around and just as he predicted,Jaebum is running towards him.

''Wow,seriously?''Jaebum says,only slightly out of breath,''You could've just stopped the first time I yelled out your name you know.''He straightens up,fixing his tank top and Jackson doesn't follow the curve of Jaebum's collarbone with his eyes.He doesn't.

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