Chapter 2- Yvonne

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Spencer's POV


Shit, Toby noticed me. This is going to be so hard. I still have not gotten over him.

"Hey Toby," I say as I walk over to him and the girl he's with, "How are you?"
"Great, I haven't seen you in two years," He says.

Well geez, thanks for the reminder.

"So who's this?" I ask giving the girl a once over.
"Oh this is my girlfriend, Yvonne," He says nonchalantly.

Woah, whoa, whoa. What? Girl what? Did I just hear that sentence correctly? He has a girlfriend? He's already gotten over me? Well I mean like it has been two years, but I've probably should've moved on too.

"Oh hello," I say politely, "nice to meet you"

Toby's POV

Oh my god, I can not believe Spencer is in town. I haven't seen her for two years. I'm not even sure I'm over her yet. What am I saying, of course I'm over her, I'm dating Yvonne now.

" Oh hello," says Spencer, "nice to meet you."

Well she doesn't seem to hate her or be jealous so I guess that's a sign that she's over me. Right?

"Yvonne, this is my ex-girlfriend, Spencer." I say since Yvonne seems confused at what is currently happening.

"Oh! Hi Spencer, I've heard so much about you." Yvonne says to her happily.
"You have?" Spencer asked confused.
"Of course I have. You dated him for 5 years, of course he's gonna talk about you," she replies back. Oh god, I wish she had not said that. I don't want Spencer thinking I'm not over her. Even though it may be true. Ugh I need to stop I am over Spencer. I have Yvonne now.

"Oh, yea, guess I forgot about that for a second," Spencer says with a little giggle.

"Well I'm gonna go get something from the coffee shop, you want anything Spencer?" Yvonne asks politely.

"No thanks I just came from over there," Spencer says pointing at the store not far away.

"You want me to go with you, babe," I ask Yvonne.

"No, you and Spencer have a lot to catch up on. I'll just go by myself and give you guys space.", Yvonne says and then walks off to the coffee shop leaving Spencer and me alone. My ex-girlfriend and me. I wonder how this is going to go down. What was she thinking?

"So... Toby how are you?", Spencer asks starting off the conversation.
"Good," I say to her.
"Well that's good I guess," she replies back.
"Yea... Hey umm Spencer?"
"Hm?" She asks looking at me.

I breathe in a deep breath and tell her, "I miss you."

"You do?" She asks with a shocked expression on her face.
I didn't know what else to say but it was true I did miss her.
"Yeah, don't you miss me?"
"Well of course I do but you have a girlfriend."

"That doesn't mean we can't be friends. Spencer you were my best friend for 5 years," I say and look up to see Spencer smiling. Gosh I missed that smile so much. All I want to do is grab her by the waist and pull her towards me and kiss her with everything I got. Wait, what am I thinking of course I can't kiss her. I'm over her, I'm with Yvonne now.

"Aw Toby, you were my best friend too. You believed in me. You were once my safe place to land. I miss you so much," I can see a tear forming in her eye, "I just don't know where we went wrong, but yes I know you're over me and you have a girlfriend now and we can't be together again."

"But we are still friends right?" I hope she says yes.
"Of course, just text me if you ever need me," she says giving me that beautiful smile that makes my heart beat like crazy.

"So anyways what brings you back to Rosewood?" I asked changing the topic.
"Oh, Alison wrote me and the girls letters saying she needed us to come back."

"Oh so everyone else is back too?" I asked.

"Yeah for a little bit I guess," she says. I look over her shoulder and see Yvonne walking back towards us.

"Hey babe," I say to her smiling.
"Hey sweetie, have a good talk?" She asked.
"Yeah, caught up a little bit with Spencer," I tell her.
"Yeah it was fun talking to you again, Toby, and it was great meeting you, Yvonne, but I have to go and see my mom," Spencer says as she starts to walk away from us.

"Nice meeting you," Yvonne says looking after her. She turns around and grabs my hand smiling at me. I smile back remembering why I'm with Yvonne now and not thinking about Spencer. She leans in and kisses me quickly, but passionately before pulling away.

Spencer's POV

That was so hard to do, just sit there and talk and pretend like everything was normal and I wasn't hurting on the inside. Yvonne and Toby seem so happy and I don't want to ruin that so I'll just stay on my best behavior and try not to screw anything up with them. At least me and Toby are friends now, I guess.
After thinking about the whole Toby situation so much, I decided I want to meet up with Aria tomorrow. I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Hey, Aria, want to meet at Radley Hotel tomorrow at 9?
Sure thing. See you then :)

I have to talk to Aria about how I feel, she, out of all of my friends, should know.

Spoby- 5 years forwardWhere stories live. Discover now