1. Captured

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3rd person POV
A/N: I don't usually write in any form of 3rd person-usually 1st or 2nd, so please bear with me.

The TARDIS shook as she flew through the vortex, bringing Rose Tyler and the Doctor to new when's and where's. With a final THUMP, the TARDIS landed.

Laughing, Rose and the Doctor picked themselves up off the floor and started towards the doors, completely unaware of what awaited only a few paces away.

"Allonsy!" laughed the Doctor. Rose followed close behind. They stepped out onto a beautiful planet. The TARDIS sat at the top of a hill. In the distance, they could see mountains that pierced the clouds, clear rivers, roaring waterfalls, blue ponds, lush forests, and two sums setting in the distance.

"Huh," Rose began, "kinda reminds me of the planet from Avatar. What was it, Pandora or something?"

The Doctor nodded. "It's beautiful. We should set the controls to random more often." Suddenly, he pointed towards the sky. Rose followed his gaze and saw a huge flock of colorful bird-like creatures taking off. She saw similar things happening all over the forest below them. The way the light of the setting suns danced on their rainbow-patterned bodies was stunning. They stood for a moment, taking it all in, before the Doctor said, "Well, d'ya want to go explore?"

Doctor's POV

"Ugh, can we take a break? My feet are killing me." Rose whined.

"Yeah, sure." I gestured a few yards up the path. "That looks like a good place to stop."

We jogged the last stretch, then collapsed at the foot of a particularly large tree. I still wasn't quite sure where we were, but the planet seemed hospitable enough. Rose and I had planned to camp out overnight as a break from our usual death-defying antics. I quickly took in our surroundings. A few medium sized rocks were scattered randomly around the clearing. Okay, we can use those as tables or seats. A small stream of cold, clear water ran through one side; water source, I thought. The area was surrounded by several sturdy trees. We can use those for supports for-

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Rose, who said: "Do you think we should start getting some fire wood? I think I've got a torch in here somewhere..." She began to dig through the backpack she'd brought. I loved that about her. She was always so prepared, so ready for anything. She might fall, but she would hit the ground running. My pink and yellow human.

I stood up and stretched, before pulling my sonic out of my pocket. I flicked it on so I could use it as a light. The last thing I needed was to break a leg on one of our only relaxing trips so far.

"I'll go get some wood; you stay and set up camp, okay?" I still didn't know how dangerous some of the nocturnal creatures could be and I figured Rose would be safer on the path, where she wouldn't trip if she had to run.

Rose looked worried. "Just...be careful."


I'd been collecting branches and logs in the woods for about thirty minutes when I heard Rose.

"Doctor! Doctor!" She sounded scared. I dropped the wood in a pile at my feet and took off sprinting back towards our camp, sonic in hand. I broke the tree line and saw three figures in all black restraining Rose. She was putting up a good fight, but she wouldn't be able to hold them off much longer.

"Oi, let her go!" I shouted, closing the distance between us. As much as I disliked fighting and combat, I had to save Rose. I swung at the figure nearest to me, my fist connecting with his jaw. He slumped to the ground and I turned to the next one. I punched him at the bottom of his ribs, then elbowed the third in the sternum. At this point, Rose broke free. I took her hand, looked straight into her eyes, and said one word:


And we ran. Oh, we ran like we'd never run before, sprinting through the trees in the general direction of the TARDIS. I heard several sets of footsteps behind us, and immediately I knew that those three figures had backup. I heard the words "bad wolf", "oncoming storm", and "high value" and immediately understood how dire our situation was.

"Rose," I said, still sprinting," Whatever happens, you need to keep going. Do not stop, okay?" She nodded, too winded to voice her response. "You promise me?" Again, she nodded. Then I did something that surprised even me. I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out the sonic screwdriver. Then I handed it to Rose. "You need to take this." I said. She just looked at me in surprise, which quickly turned to fear.

"Doctor, I-"

"Rose, just do it. If these men get you, they have power to do anything they want. Remember the Bad Wolf? Only I would have a chance to stop you then, and I can't hurt you, Rose." I didn't want to scare her, but I needed her to understand how serious things were right now. Rose nodded and took the sonic.

We had only run a few more paces when I heard a sharp crack. I instinctively stepped between Rose and our pursuers and immediately felt an intense pain in my right shoulder. I stumbled but forced myself to keep going. There was a second crack, and I made sure that didn't hit Rose, either. This time the bullet tore through my left shoulder and I fell, tasting blood. Rose instantly stopped and turned back for me.

"No! No, Rose, keep going. Get to the TARDIS. She'll take you home." Rose shook her head. "Really, Rose. The fate of the universe could be hanging in the balance here." She looked uncertain. "Just go. Be safe. RUN!" She turned, but didn't seem to want to leave still. My vision was beginning to tunnel. "Rose, have a fantastic life. I lo-"ve you.

But I was cut off by a third shot, which hit me square in the back. The pain became almost unbearable. My vision blurred, but I was almost certain I heard Rose say, "I'll be back for you, Doctor." before sprinting away.

As my vision continued to fade, I heard about seven sets of footsteps stop around me.

"I told you, shoot to injure, not kill! This one's useless now!" A voice was yelling above me. I flinched at how loud it sounded. There was a sigh, then the same voice continued. "Whatever, we'll figure it out. Just get the Wolf!"

As the footsteps began to recede, one pair stopped. The person- how could a person do something like this?!?- turned around. I felt something hit my ribs, hard, and suddenly I was off the ground and slamming into what felt like a tree. As I slumped to the ground, I knew I'd lost the battle. But I hadn't lost the war yet. Even as I faded into unconsciousness, my battle cry remained ever present in my mind:

Save Rose.

Okay, so that happened. What do you think of my first chapter? I'm supposed to be writing a world history essay about some guy called Adam Smith right now, but we all know how that goes. Anyway, if you like it or have any suggestions, please comment, vote, or share!


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