Chapter 1

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It was half past noon when I walked to Starbucks by myself for lunch. I sat their for half an hour depressed about my love life until I got a call from my record label, epic records. They needed to me to come to the studio immediately so I raced their. Once I arrived my record label told me about some party tonight with a ton of celebrities and stuff. I really didn't want to go but they thought it would be a great opportunity to meet new people. I went back home and watched TV for the rest of the day and around 5:00 o'clock I realized I didn't have anything else to do with myself for the rest of the night so I decided to go to the party. I took a shower and got dressed then went to the party. When I arrived their were a ton of people and loads of flashes, paparazzi. I ran inside and just stood around since I knew mostly everyone their but was too embarrassed to talk to them. I then decided to get something to eat and at the buffet I saw a guy I didn't know. I approached him and said, "Hi, I'm Meghan Trainor, what's your name?" He then said, "Hey I'm Charlie Puth, I'm new to LA"

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