To Be A Hero|Bucky Barnes

522 36 17

August 26th, 2015• 2 days before

"James Buchanan Barnes." You said, a sly smile on your face. "Never thought I'd see your face again." You held out your hand in front of you, which he shook firmly with a smile.

"I hope we could have a new start." He asked, his smile never fading.

"Of course." You said, letting his hand go.

He had come pretty far since he was found, trying to rip his own arm off in a vice. That was an interesting June, with the winter soldier running around the remains of S.H.E.I.L.D.

But now his blue eyes sparkled, his smile was dazzling, and his laugh was genuine. James had once again returned to him. And you, being the observant and prying person you are, couldn't help but become intrigued by his mysterious past.

So, after the... not so nice meeting the two of you had on a highway, you decided to put aside the bad blood and create new, happier memories.

"Speaking of new start," you began, "I'm heading out to pick up the daily rounds of coffee for this place," you gestured to the Stark Tower, "do you want to join?"

Bucky smirked at you, the outer corners of his eyes crinkling. He looked to Steve for permission, since Fury had made sure that Steve understood that Bucky was his responsibility. Steve gave a silent nod, and Bucky turned back to you.

"I'd love to."

You smiled, your gaze flickering to Steve once before beginning the walk to the café down the road. Bucky walked beside you, a light jacket draped over his shoulders, his hands shoved in the pockets.

"So, what has the famed Bucky Barnes been doing lately?" You asked. Bucky raised his eyebrow at you.

"Trying to adjust. There's a lot of things that have changed since 1943." He answered. You laughed, and he immediately decided that he loved your laugh.

"Well, I can see that." You smirked and looked at him. "But you seem like a smart guy, you can't be that bad."

He lifted his shoulders and made a face. "It's just those phones. The phones aren't really making sense to me."

"Maybe I'll have to show you." You said, stopping and opening the door to the café. He narrowed his eyes at you flirtatious tone, but smiled anyways.

"Maybe you will."

You both got in line and ordered something to drink before finding a table. You pulled a chair up next to Bucky, seating yourself so your elbows were brushing against each other's. Pulling your phone out of your back pocket, you unlocked it.

"Okay, tell me what you don't get." You said. He pulled out his phone as well, sliding the lock screen open.

A sly smirk crossed his face as a brilliant plan popped into his mind.

"Contacts." He said, pushing on the small icon. You did the same.

"What about the contacts?"

"Making a new one."

You pushed the small addition symbol in the corner, bringing up the menu to make a new contact.

"You just press that button, then put in your information." You explained.

"I see." Bucky said, slipping your phone from your hands and inputting his information.

You shook your head and leaned back in your chair, crossing your arms. "Very smooth Barnes, very smooth."

He smirked and sent a text to his phone from yours before looking at you. "I try."

"Now that you're done taking my phone number, can I have it back?" You said, holding out your hand. He held your phone to his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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