I'm mortified. That's his conclusion?! "That's not it!"

"Now, now, you don't have to act like that darling," Chase suddenly said lovingly, standing by my side and draping his arm across my shoulder, "I'm sure it's fine for your father to know about us, we're caught after all."

"What are you talking about?!" I yelled, trying to escape his hold to no avail.

"About you and me, of course," he said calmly, way too calm, "We didn't have to hide it any longer, it's all over the news." He then faced my father who's watching us with amusement, "The truth is Uncle Trace, the reason I'm here is to see her. You see, she'd been sulking because we didn't see each other enough and that's why she was mad at me yesterday. But now we've been ousted and she's not entirely happy how our relationship will be watched from now on."

The more he talked, the more confused I become. But it seems to make perfect sense in my father's eyes as I see him process what Chase said.

I pushed his arm off of me angrily, "What bullshit are you spouting, Ashford?"

"Watch your mouth, Destiny," my father ordered as he hated it when I cursed. But I was barely listening.

"You don't actually believe him, do you, dad?!"

"Well," he shrugged, "it made sense to me."

"Which part?!" I gave him an incredulous look. "Your both unbelievable," I groaned and rubbed my forehead, my slightly damp hair forming a curtain to hide my face. His hand pushed them away and tucked them behind my ear casually.

Chase chuckled, "No need to work yourself up too much about this angel."

"You're the one who caused this!" I glare at him.

He smirk, "Cause what?"

I stare at him disbelievingly, "You- the tabloid- ugh! Forget it!" I have a feeling we'd only be arguing in circles if we start that gain. Choose your battles, I comforted myself. If you continue this, he'd only keep making fun of you. Especially with my father there.

Chase 1, Destiny 0.

"No problem," he said cheerfully, I just want to strangle him. "Since our night out was cut short, why don't we go out and have breakfast together?" He didn't mean it as a suggestion either.

Forget about choosing battles, I'm not letting him treat me like his puppet, after that thought I said, "Like hell I would!" and stomp away before he could threatened me. I heard my father admonishing me before the door of the penthouse slammed shut.

"Finally," I sighed as soon as I'm out of that door and pressed the down button with a little too much force than necessary. However, just when I thought I'm free, Chase came out of that door a couple of minutes later, just in time the elevator arrived. "What are you doing?" I asked when he went inside it as I do.

"I need to go out," he simply said. I only stare at him in disbelief and then pointedly ignored him while the elevator descends slowly to the lobby. While we're on the 45th floor, even on a private elevator, it took way too long. After a while he started tapping his foot and I think he did it on purpose just to annoy me. When we finally arrived at the lobby, he finally said something: "So, where are we having breakfast?"

Unbelievable, I sighed.

I just ignored him and hastily walked away from the elevator through the grand lobby to the front door where the door man promptly opened for me. "Good morning, Miss Vanderbilt," said the 53 year-old man who have known me practically my entire life. "Glad to see you walking out this morning, you're usually only now coming home," he said disapprovingly. My behavior is no secret to the building staff but while the majority frowned upon me, Marshall took it upon himself to ensure that I'm safely home every day.

"It's Destiny, Marshall, I've told you that," I smiled fondly when a wicked idea popped into my head as I hear footsteps several feet away from me, no doubt Chase walking sanguinely - self-assured that he had won so easily. We'll see about that, Ashford. I ran the last few steps to Marshall, eyes flicking anxiously behind me, "That guy kept bothering me, asking me out and won't take no for answer," I told him, a little breathless so he won't detect my little lie. He wasn't on shift last night when I walked in last night with Chase, so I'm hoping he hasn't heard about our little guest.

As I had hoped, Marshall's fatherly instinct took over as his eyes pointed at an unsuspecting Chase. He may not look like it but Marshall was a former military officer so i almost feel sorry for Chase when he became his target. Almost.

"I've got you, girl," he said to me, signaling his companion to follow him, his friendly tone earlier replaced gruff defensiveness. "You should go now, I'll take care of him."

"Thank you!" I said then I make my way out the door, as Marshall made his way to Chase, only looking back once they reached him and started to blocking his way to questioned him with unfriendly expression. Chase looked confused but when his greens flashed to me, I winked and I could immediately see him starting to understand that I caused the situation.

I grinned at him and walked away, but not before I see the promise in his eyes. This isn't over, it seemed to say.

Chase 1, Destiny 1.

A/N: Picture of Alicia Rivera

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