Chapter Four

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The next morning Effie got out of bed and headed into the dining area expecting everyone to be up and having break fast but instead she found only Katniss's sitting at the table eating a slice of toast.
" Morning Katniss" Effie said brightly as she joined her at the table.
" I hope your ready for today?" Katniss said smiling at the thought of teaching someone.
" look I understand you are excited but please don't get to excited I am a Capitol girl from head to toe who has no idea how to throw a knife or how to shoot and most of all how to hunt" Effie sighed " maybe it wasn't a good idea....I know the odds are stacked against me and that I am not going to last 5 minutes in the arena" Katniss put down her slice of toast.
" Effie trinket you listen to me and you listen good you are the strongest person I know and I will do my absolute best to help you so you will stand a chance out there even if it's just throwing a knife which could be the difference between life or death out there then I would have done my job" Katniss said a matter of factly.
Effie smile " thank you Katniss" Effie began to eat her slice of toast not really wanting it at all but she took small bites.
Once she was finished Effie headed back to her room to see a black and grey training uniform with the large number 12 on the back of the top spread out neatly across her freshly made bed.
She showered letting the warm water wash over her as she sobbed silently at the thought of being in that arena and having to kill someone she would know was killing her inside and she just didn't know how she was going to do it.
Out the shower Effie dried her blonde hair and tied it into a neat and low bun and changed into her training uniform which was tight but was stretchy so she could move in it.
Effie glanced at herself in the mirror not really recognising the lady staring back at her for this was the girl she vowed to never see again which was why she hid behind all that makeup and fakeness pretending to be someone else because the real her was humiliating she had tried for years to hid the real her.
Effie sighed and took one last glance at herself before she headed out to the living room to see Katniss already and waiting for her.
" Effie? Is that you?" Katniss asked confused.
" it's me, this is the real me" Katniss smiled " well I for one like the real Effie without all that makeup" Effie blushed " thank you Katniss that's very sweet" together they walked out the penthouse and headed to a spare training room down on level 2.
" well this isn't Effie are you ready to start your training" Katniss asked
" well not really but I have no choice" Effie shrugged.
They walked into the large and rather empty training room " where would you like to start" Katniss asked looking round the room.
" what about the knives ?" Effie suggested after all that couldn't be hard I mean it was just throwing knives at a target board.
" okay Effie take the knife in your hand and firmly place your hand tightly round the handle so you know what it's like to hold it in your hand" Katniss said.
" okay now you have come to grips with the feel of it how about you try to throw it at one of the targets?"Effie shrugged.
Effie took a deep breath looked at the target and threw the knife and shut her eyes.
Effie opened her eyes to see that knife hand landed by the target but not on it but that was close enough for the first time.
" want to try again?" Katniss encouraged
Effie tried again and once again she threw the knife but it missed the target completely and lodged into the wall just inches from an Avox who stood guard.
" oh I'm sorry" Effie called out to the Avox who nodded to show he understood.
" I'm going to do this" Effie said determined.
After several attempts Effie now felt defeated because not once did her knife land on the target unless you counted the poor Avox who was now surrounded by knives.
" let's try something else and come back to this later maybe" Katniss took the knife out Effie's hand and lead her to the next station which was camouflage.
" oh something I recognise" Effie said looking at the camouflage station covered with pallet of colours.
" good, how about you try to blend in with this tree over here" Katniss suggested.
Effie headed to work and decorated her arm with Katniss standing back watching the concentration on Effie's face.
Seconds later Effie stood next to the tree with her arm against it and with her arm blending completely into the tree.
" oh Effie I think we have found your hidden strength" Katniss said smiling
" yeah that's great and all but how am I going to defend myself? I know ....I can paint them to death" Effie said sarcastically.
" that's just the kind of attitude that's going to get you killed Effie" Katniss snapped.
" you know what? I thought I can do this but I can't.....lets just face it I'm a goner" Effie stormed off  leaving Katniss alone.
Effie barged into the penthouse slamming the door behind her " what happened to your manners ms Trinket" Haymitch said shaking his head.
" I'm not in the mood Haymitch" Effie slumped down on the sofa and folded her arms across her chest.
" what happened didn't training go well or something ?" Effie glared at Haymitch " I'll take that as a yes then" Haymitch sighed.
" I'm not going to make it out alive Haymitch I might as well just end it all now to save myself the embarrassment of dying the first day" Effie said bursting in to tears " excuse me" Effie got up off the couch and rushed into her room and shut the door.
( ugh this chapter sucks I really am sorry that you guys have to read this drivel anyway I hope you like it which is the main thing)

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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