Broken P1

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My attention is focussed on the throbbing of my head. Its like some sort of acute migraine, pounding along with every second that ticks by.

I attempt to refocus my eyes through the curtain of unconsciousness, searching for any signs of life. Now that my eyes have adjusted, I see a tall figure stood inches from my weak body looking upon me.

Regaining my sight helped me retain my senses-including feel as I felt something heavy drop its weight, hanging from my body.

I struggled for a while when I realised the figure's shadow still lurked beside me. It shifted a little before stepping backwards. "Well well well, she is awake at last. I was beginning to wonder whether you were... Well, lets just say i assumed you weren't waking up."

"What? You thought a little hit like that killed me? Ha! You must be joking." I retorted, venom leaking out of each word.

"She speaks!" he continued, "I didn't hit you, you silly child. I inserted poison into your neck."

"What!? If you were afraid I was dead, why the hell did you put poison inside of me you insolent blockhead?" I retaliated.

"You aren't very clever are you? You were a test, to see if you were strong enough to withstand the poison. You were the one of the two who survived." He explained proudly.

"Survived?" I nearly choked.
"Well of course" he said in an annoying, posh, British accent. "There were six others but unfortunately the other four have not woken."

I had to hold back a sob as images of children like me lay motionless in chains with they're black orbs staring into one big black hole, reaching death.

"You monster!" I spat as I tackled the now identified chains that lay around me. "I am not going to be your little puppet or lab rat!"

"There's nothing much you can do though, can you? No. So shut it and stay still while I proceed with the next test." He exclaimed.

My continued struggle only made it worse. The chains tightened round my waste making it difficult to breath. "Stop... You dont know.... Wh..what your doing.." I gasped.

"Oh really? I think I'm doing this," he said while a needle entered my arm conceding the fluid to overwhelm my muscles.

The pain was excruciatingly painful. Images of my past flooded my head as i began to slip into unconsciousness.

I woke to emerald eyes beaming down on me; a sparkling white smile formed on the figure's beautiful face. I heard a deep velvet voice wake me from my unimaginable dream as I opened my eyes and sat up straight to lay my eyes on the bubbly and jumpy shadow that sat before me.

"Gooood morning... To our star guest on this beautiful day... Miss Louise Darlton!" He presented in a deep American tone.

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