Chapter 6

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hey all i am not ging to bore you with a speech so here it is:

Chapter 6

Within half an hour the entire club knew about my new boyfriend. Syrena was doing my make-up for the next number and then I stood when I heard Annabella come running in

“Guess what kitten?!” she asked


“You are up” she said happily. I grinned and removed my robe. I was dressed in a blue and black lacy bra and a matching pair of extremely short shorts. I slipped on my heels and walked out. people clapped and I lost myself dancing. Everything went out of my mind and I focused all my thoughts on dancing. The music and I became one and then when the song was over people clapped and cheered. I waved and made my way off the stage.

“Lovely simply lovely” Ronnie said grinning. I smiled and changed into something more comfortable and then started my homework. The club closed extremely late and I was so tired when I arrived home that I didn't make it to my bed. I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up again I was sore and realised that it was two in the morning. I frowned and got up before heading up the stairs to my room. I changed and jumped into bed. I fell asleep so quickly.

I was woken up by the doorbell. I frowned and got up groaning to answer it. I wrapped my silk robe around me covering my bra and undies. I noticed that none of the girls were home and figured they were out at the club. I opened the door and saw Ethan standing there smiling at me.

“Hey” I said yawning

“Hey beautiful” he said stuffing his hands in his pockets.

“Do you want to come in?” I asked. he nodded and kissed my forehead.

“I just need to do something” I said going back up to my room to brush my teeth. When I came back down he was sitting on the couch waiting patiently. I sat down and he smiled at me

“So how was your night?” he asked moving to face me. I just sighed and looked at him smiling.

“It was good. And yours?” I asked

“Kind of boring” he said smiling. It seemed kind of awkward. I didn't know what to say

“What’s your favourite colour?” he asked suddenly

“Purple” I said smiling at his attempt to start a conversation

“Yours?” I asked

“Mine is red” he said grinning


“Red Liquorice” I responded

“Mine is Peanut M&M’s”

“What’s your favourite hobby?” I asked


“Any siblings? Real ones” he asked

“Nope you?”

“Nope” I cannot believe he just lied to me. I frowned and wanted to say something but I couldn’t do it.

“No sisters? Brothers?” I prompted

“No” he replied. I frowned and then tried to salvage our conversation.

“What do you want to do today?” I asked. his green eyes met mine and he smiled.

“Can I show you something?” he asked. I nodded

“I just need to get dressed” I stood and so did Ethan.

“I kind of like what you are wearing” he smirked and I blushed. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his forehead against mine.

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