Chapter 5

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I just realized that my chapters are pretty short,sorry about that,Im gonna try to make this chapter long.Comment,vote and follow

Peace out,✌


Chris's P.O.V

I was seriously FREAKING OUT!This girl kept on hitting on me.I wasn't freaking out about her flirting,I was freaking out what Clarisse would think!The girl hitting on me,Sarah,

always tried next to Clarisse!Luckily,every time she was distracted and I was able to make a run for it.It was seriously getting out of control,I had to end this NOW!I had

English,not my best subject,with her.I was gonna set things straight.

"Sarah,please stop flirting with me." I said in a serious/angry voice

"You know you like it Chrissy." She said in a flirtatious voice.

"No I do not,do not talk too me again."

I felt really bad,but I knew if I hadn't both of our butts would have been kicked by Clarisse.

"Don't be like that,Chris" she said while fluttering her lashes

"Stop Sarah,I don't like you I have a girlfriend who I love with all my heart.I would do anything for her!I mean anything,and she would do that for me too!So don't try to take her away from me or try to take me away form her!" I said while slightly raising my voice.

She looked shock and then looked behind me.I turned around to fond the least person I wanted to see standing there.Clarisse.

Frank P.O.V

I was about to pop.Me and Hazel were in Math class.There were only two seas left.I took the one in front and she took the one at the window.I was kinda disappointed that I couldn't sit next her,but I shrugged it off because I could have just talked to her in the hall or lunch.As I sat down some girls passed by me giggling.One of them with medium dark brown curly hair gave me a slip of paper.I looked at it and it said 'Call me -Mia' with her phone number on it.I went up to the trash can and threw it away.I went back and said I had a girlfriend.I said pointing at Hazel as I smiled.Her and her group looked at her with disgust.

"Please don't look at her like that."

"Whatever" she said in a stereotypical popular girl voice.I tried to shrug it off,but it bugged me.I looked back at Hazel and I saw those girls talking to her.She looked like the saddest girl in the world,trying to pay attention to the lesson.I saw a little tear spill out and that's when I lost it.I gave those girls my best death glare.It was pretty scary since I lost my baby features.I walked over to them and they tried to talk.


"Don't talk!"

I grabbed Hazels hand and gave her my seat.I asked a kid next to her if I could switch with me.He seemed fine with it.I looked back at the girls with the corner of my eye.They didn't even look guilty!I was practically steaming at that.I squeezed Hazel's hand and she looked a little happier but still a little shaken up.I was heart broken at that sight.Class finally ended and I stormed out with Hazel.I went to a corner of the hall way were no one would hear us.

"What did they say?" I asked with a huge amount of concern.


"I know they said something,I saw a tear in class."

"I wasn't crying."

"Please Hazel,tell me"

She sighed "They said parents probably don't wont me and I was just a little wanna be and that I should be murdered because no one would care.She said that my mom probably thinks I'm a bitch and my dad thinks I'm a failure."

I was so angry I stormed right off to Sarah and her friends.

"HOW COULD YOU EVER SAY THAT TO HER!YOU ARE A HORRIBLE PERSON AND A BULLY WHO NO ONE WANTS!YOU SAID THAT SHE SHOULD BE MURDERED AND NO ONE WOULD CARE!YOU SAID THAT!I HATE YOU AND STAY AWAY WAY FROM ME AND HAZEL!"Sarah looked like one of the most shocked people in the world.She looked at Hazel and Hazel tried to walk away but Sarah ran up too her and pushed her down making her fall and drop her books and hit her.I sprinted towards her and picked up Hazel who was bleeding.I picked her up bridal style with her books in her bag and sprinted to the nurses office.I set her down on a cot and say next to her as the nurse asked questions and gave stitches and ice.I told her about everything.She seemed shocked and told the principal.I looked in to her gold eyes and hugged her.

"I don't need you to feel sorry,Frank it's just stitches."

"I know but I wanted to hug you."

"Thanks,but you should hurry up.I think the nurse is coming back." I gave her a quick but passionate kiss and

then sat back down.After the principal said that Sarah would be in serious trouble we left.By the time we got out there,it was lunch.I looked for our table when I saw Percy spot us and waved his hand.Me and Hazel sat between Leo and Nico.

"What happened,why do you have stitches?"asked Nico looking at Hazel's head.

"It's nothing,I just feel."

Hazel gave me loot that said 'don't say anything' I gave her a look that said 'let's talk outside' "I have to go to the bathroom" she said

"I'll walk you" when we got out of a earshot.

"Why won't you tell them."

"Because I don't want them to worry."

"They should worry,let me tell them,please."

"Fine.But I'm not gonna be there.I'll be in the bathroom,get me when your done."

"Ok,love you,Hazel."

"Love you too."

I walked back to the table the table and told them everything.Leo was almost screaming.Annabeth and Piper fist were completely white and were looking for Hazel and everyone else was trying to figure what to do.As they were figuring it out,I went to go check on Hazel.I saw her sitting next to the bathroom on the bench.I saw her sniffle and wipe away little tears.I felt my eyes getting watery,it was just so sad.I ran up to her and hugged her so hard I almost squished her.

"Let's skip school today,say we're sick."

"Yeah that would be funy"

I told everybody that we were going to skip school.Everyone agreed,except for Leo,Piper and Annabeth who too busy yelling at Sarah.Leo didn't like each other anymore but they were best friends,which is why he was so angry.I drove Hazel home.We watched Mulan,ate popcorn and snuggled.

"I think Sarah was right." Hazel barely whisper.

"No!no!no!They were completely wrong!You are beautiful,caring and sweet.Do not ever say that!"

"But I think my mom didn't like me and my dad doesn't talk to me."

"Your mom loved you sooo much,I bet your dad does not think your a failure.You saved Olympus!"

"You sure?"

"I'm sure and I want to say that I love you so much." I kissed her.We broke apart after a minute to breath.

"I love you too."

After we finished the movie,we watched The Avengers.In the middle Hazel fell asleep on my chest.I pulled the blanket to cover her.As I was sitting there staring at Hazel,everyone walked in.I gave them the shush signal and pointed towards Hazel.They understood and left.I looked at Hazel's beautiful face as I drifted to a peaceful sleep.

DISCLAIMER:I do not own PJO and HoO,Rick Riordan does..........sadly

So comment what you think and vote.Also follow me.I need more followers votes and reads.Tell your friends about this if you like it :)

Peace out✌


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