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Hey everyone, I a, back with a new hunger games fanfiction which I hope you will like. I will only post one chapters to first just to see what you think and how much response it gets first.
Okay, I just wanted clear things up as it may be confusing so here you go readers:
Effie and Haymitch have been dating for two years when Effie started working as an escort for district 12 for the hunger games and well Effie moved to live in district 12 to be closer to Haymitch but, also to keep their romance a secret from her parents in the Capitol and Effie's parents will be revealed I mean you will know her mother is from the first or second chapter and her father I am sure you can guess who he is and well anyway. She and Haymitch have been dating secret and so Effie lived in the victors village quite a few door away from Haymitch and so they break up and Effie heads back to the Capitol after she couldn't take much more of Haymitch's drinking. Effie moves on and tries to live her new life but she will always love Haymitch and Effie bares a deep secret that won't be revealed until a few chapters later. In this story they have cell phones and I know they probably wouldn't in the hunger games but in this story they do and so hopefully you will get the gist of the story as it goes on. If not then please message me or ask in a comment and of course please vote or comment if you are enjoying this story so far.

Carlykinz ✌🏻️

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