Almost like being woken up from a dream, his voice that I had grown to love; broke through the prolonged silence between us.

"What is your name, love?" Issac said with curiosity, gradually getting closer to my breathless form.

"Clary. And your Issac." I said with the strongest voice I could muster given my current state. Many things were going on in my mind at the moment, and not being able to think clearly in his presence made me feel blinded.

His eyes now turned entirely ebony gray, locked onto mine again. A low growl sounded around us again coming from his muscular chest. He dropped his hands to my waist as I stood, unmoving; almost falling into him as leaned his head into the crook of my neck.  

I felt a rust of pride noticing the reaction I got out of him, just by simply saying his name. Feeling unnatural, I moved from my stiff position and threaded my fingers through his soft light brown hair.

Unknowingly, I was backing up; my wobbling legs heading backwards towards the tree. I gasped loudly as made contact with rough bark, Issac still grazing his fingertips onto the skin exposed on my waist.

My lustful thoughts were thankfully interrupted by a handsome, younger guy standing in the distance with the others. His looks didn't come close to Issac's, he actually looked very similar to Nina; I guessed that they were most likely related.

He whistled loudly, his squinted brown eyes looking right at me and Issac's interlaced bodies.

Nina's wolf nudged him from behind and he stumbled forward, going silent. Some of the others chuckled lowly while Nina huffed in annoyance.

Noticing the sudden coldness from my Mate backing away, I sighed and straitened out Nina's tank top and looked down at my bare feet; suddenly uncomfortable with my situation.

Silence floated around the group again as Issac and Nina made eye contact, most likely mind linking with one another. His steady hand enveloped mine, but jealously crept up on my tired mind while admiring Nina's polished wolf.

Issac could never see mine, seeing my pure white wolf would give away who I was immediately. I felt panicky all of a sudden, I was in so deep with the Saltus Pack, and with him.

I had to fulfill my father's orders, for the sake of my pack and family. Who was I now, and how I wonder will my time here end?

I cant live a lie, but that was my intention the second I crossed that line over to their land. Living a lie was all that I could do for myself. 

It would be better that way. Issac was the Alpha to be right? He would know what his father planned to do to mine.  I looked down at his hand in mine, how mine was so small compared to his. I couldn't lie to him.

"Maybe he'd understand us..." My Wolf said hopefully, but her joyous tone had died down and was now laced with sorrow.

This pack wasn't forgiving to mine, thoughts clouded my head with all the things that might happen if they discovered I was not who I said. 

Looking around, many of the men around me were gazing at my frightened form. Being under their cautious, judgmental gazes made me want to hide behind Issac's smooth muscular back.

As he turned back to me, I let out a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding in.

Behind him Lucas and Nina were gone, they left without me even noticing their absence. Issac's brother was still here, but father away. In fact everyone was moving farther away. They were leaving the clearing.

I felt a tug on my hand that was interlaced with his, sparks erupting on my palm and making there way across my fragile body. I took a shaky breath of air as my head dropped. 

The Clear Choiceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن