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"Ya-hoo!!!!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed loudly in the sky. "Today's the big day! This is gonna be so awesome!!"
"Wait, you and Fluttershy are leaving already?" Twilight Sparkle asked.
"Yup! It's gonna be so much fun!" Rainbow Dash smiled excitedly.
"Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy flew to her quietly exclaiming her name. Rarity galloped along side her using her magic horn to carry Fluttershy's bags.
"Fluttershy! Ready for the big trip!?" Rainbow Dash asked flying up to her.
"Oh yes, I'm super excited." Fluttershy smiled happily.
"Goodness," Rarity said to Twilight. "I've always wondered what that Mistville was like."
"What??" Rainbow said freezing in the air.
"Why Mistville, it's were your trip is going to be." Rarity smiled.
"Really? It's not at Cloudsdale?"
"That's not what Fluttershy's pamphlet says." Rarity said lifting it with her horn.
Rainbow Dash looked over the pamphlet. "Oh, well whadda ya know..."
"Gee, you guys better get down to the train station." Twilight said seeing the town clock.
"Come on Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash smiled. She flew fast and Fluttershy tried to keep up.
"Rainbow! Slow down!" Twilight shouted. Her and Rarity ran along with their bags.
The two pegasus ponies arrived at the train station and Rainbow Dash flapped her wings with glee with an excited grin across her face.
"Ah! There's the train!!" Rainbow Dash pointed in excitement. "Man, I can't wait!"
"Me neither," Fluttershy smiled.
"How could you be so calm?! This is gonna be the best trip ever!!"
"We're really gonna miss you guys." said Twilight.
"Don't forget to write!!" Pinkie Pie said suddenly appearing.
"Best of luck in any competitions. And stay safe." Rarity smiled.
"Y'all have fun now." Apple Jack smiled, as she came along also to say good-bye.
"I'll miss you all, see you in a few weeks." Fluttershy smiled as her eyes teared up a little.
"Later guys! And thanks! Come in Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash said all excited.
Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash got settled on the train and waved out the window to their friends.
"Gosh, I hope I don't start to miss them too much." Fluttershy said.
"Don't worry Fluttershy, you'll be fine, you got me." Rainbow said giving her a gentle hoof to the shoulder.
"Thanks Rainbow, and your right. There's nothing about this trip to worry about. I'll try to keep my cool like you do."
"Well thanks, nothin' gets me shakin' in the knees."
"Hey, Rainbow Dash!" a familiar voice called. Rainbow looked ahead and saw Soarin walking up to her. She gasped as if her heart had stopped.
"Well, Soarin,h-hi, so cool to see you." Rainbow Dash smiled nervously.
"You too." he smiled. "I'm really excited for this trip. All the flying activities to do...Oh, and there's advanced stuff too, would you want to do some of those with me?"
"Whoa! Really? Gosh, I'd love too!- I mean, that sounds totally awesome!" Rainbow said happily.
"Great! You're a pretty cool flyer to hang out with. See ya around."
Soarin walked away with Rainbow left with a super happy grin on her face.
"Gee Rainbow, it seems like you lost a little of your 'cool'. Are you all right?" Fluttershy asked.
Rainbow Dash snapped out of her gaze. "Of course I'm all right, I didn't loose my cool. I never do."
"Um, but I think you did a little bit."
"I did not,"
"Just a tiny little bit."
"No I didn't..." Rainbow Dash said giving a stern look.
"An itty bitty bit..."
"Yeah! You're right! None! Didn't loose my cool one bit!"

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