“I need to get to class,” Skye squeaks, half-running to the school building.

               “Hey sweetie, wait up!” Dixon calls, chasing after her.

I watch as Skye stops for him. Dixon wraps an arm around her delicate waist, pulling her to his side before they start walking again.

               “I’m on to you,” I hiss, knocking into Haden purposefully as I stalk past him.

               “No clue what you mean,” he mutters cockily, shouldering his bag and heading into the school building. Correction, he heads into the high school building. He’s obviously going to follow Skye and Dixon. What a creep!

I hurry after them and when I get to the corridor, I barely make out Skye’s muffled voice. Her voice is thick and she’s about to cry obviously.

Dixon may be my mate, but if he makes her cry, I’ll have to rough him out!

Just as I’m about to intervene, Haden walks over to them. “Oh! Hey guys!”

               “Hi,” Skye whispers softly, almost brokenly.

               “What do you want?” Dixon snaps.

               “Dixon!” she mutters softly.

               “Nah, he can be a prick if he wants. I came to see you actually. I wanted to know when I could tutor you next?” Haden asks nonchalantly.

               “Wait! Did you tutor her yesterday?” Dixon demands. “Did you kiss her?! Did you kiss my girlfriend?!” Dixon explodes, balling up his fists, taking a step closer to Haden.

This attracts a crowd and I notice Skye shrink back from the embarrassment. Skye’s never liked being the object of scrutiny. She looks absolutely terrified. I have to resist the urge to pull her into a hug. The only thing that stops me is knowing that she would probably push me away if I did.

               “Geez! Relax man. Is this about the hickey? It isn’t even a hickey. You heard her, she said it was her curling iron,” Haden answers calmly.

“We both know that isn’t true,” Dixon snarls.

Haden smirks slightly, walking over to Skye. He brushes her hair back, his fingers lingering on her neck, caressing it lovingly. “Looks like a curling iron accident to me,” he murmurs. “Are you insinuating that you don’t trust your girlfriend?”

Dixon immediately blushes lightly, realising what he said and what it sounded like. “No,” he mutters childishly.

               “Are the two of you quite done?” Skye demands, her voice soft, but firm. Suddenly she clutches at her chest, looking panicked.

               “Keep calm, Skye,” Haden instructs, tensed.

Skye nods her head, hey violet-eyes huge. She takes a few laboured breaths before sinking to her knees. She shifts until she has her head in between her legs.

Dixon kneels down beside her, rubbing her back a little. “You okay Skye?” he asks gently, pulling her hair away from her face. I can’t help but to notice his eyes zoom in on the hickey again, before they flash with anger.

Skye nods her head jerkily. I can almost feel the waves of fear washing over her.

Dixon relaxes a little before standing up. “Okay, show’s over people! Disperse!” he commands arrogantly.

OneShots - Michael - Love, Lies and a Flash of the PastWhere stories live. Discover now