Failed Break-up

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The Gray Garden (c) Mogeko/Deep sea-prisoner

That room was so quiet, Wodahs and Grora stood face-to-face against each other in the dim light. They were in Grora's office. Wodah's glanced at Grora's messy desk, well that was expected, then looked back at the girl in front of him.

She looked at everything in the room, except him. And he could tell that she wasn't comfortable by the fact he just kept silent after what she said. Pretty sure she wanted him to say something, even insults are fine to get rid of this deafening silence.

"So, what were you saying again?" He finally said something, still staring at her as if he can see her soul.

She gulped, "Well Mr. Head angel I'm hella sure you already heard it so—"

"Say it again." Wodahs cut her sentence. Grora let out a long sigh.

That girl was frowning but Wodahs could see hints of sorrow on her face. She scratched the back of her head before explaining again, "Listen head angel, like I said earlier, we are DONE. It looks like our relationship won't get anywhere, so what is the point of continuing it?" She huffed, "And I barely can understand you even though I'm your girlfriend. It's kinda... frustrating and fucking annoying."

Wodahs just kept quiet. Grora gritted her teeth in annoyance then turned so her back was facing him,"Now you better take all of your belongings from here and just go already."

She could hear Wodahs hmm-ed. Just as she thought it's already over, suddenly Wodahs lifted her and carried her over his shoulder before going out of her room. She shrieked and struggled, but Wodahs' arm kept her in place.

"Let go of me you fucking head angel! Quick! before I take your other eye out!"

"No." Was his plain answer.

"But I already told you that you can just go! Where are you taking me!?"

"To my room."


"You said to take all of my belongings, so I'm taking you." He said nonchalantly, "You are still mine."


"I refuse." She widened her eye at him, but his face stayed as stoic as ever. "And your face also didn't look like you really want us to end. I'm sorry if my character is too hard to understand, but I will help you from now on, don't worry."

Hearing what he said, her eye began to produce tears but she refused to cry. She just gave up the struggle and buried her face on his back, letting him carry her anywhere he wanted.

Maybe she will try to continue their relationship.










"Aww how sweet of them."

"Eti, you shouldn't stalk them like that. They need privacy."

"Well, see who's talking~ Then why are you here with me, Kcalb?"


"Let's just follow them and see what are they gonna do in Wodahs' room! Go go!"



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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