Wishes and Orinmi

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I did not copy anyone's story and anyways carry on... Oh ya if you don't watch anime then you won't get it because there are some parts that say to voice act like the characters. But if you don't watch anime and you still get it well ... Then you're amazing. It will be sad so if you cry it's not my fault.


The day before 1 year of high school ended was today and Shino was just relaxing up on the high school roof ( the flat kinds ). He was just relaxing with some delicious sandwiches his sister made. Just before he took a bite, he saw a red haired girl sitting by herself. Shino felt bad for her so he walked over and greeted her. Before long they were friends and she gladly said," I'm Yami Gantima. How about you??" Shino replied," My name is Shino Orina." They started to smile and Shino gave her one of his sandwiches his sister made.

Yami felt happy because it was her first time talking to anyone. Shino asked," Why are you alone? You do have friends right?" Yami didn't know what he was talking about, she asked," What are friends? Are they people who hang out with you?" Shino was shocked and told her with a really funny voice ( like Masaomi Kida in Durarara )," Friends can do so much for you! They can make you laugh cry or get mad! For example look at those girls ( pointing to the girls laughing ) they are having lots of fun! So you should too!"

Yami looked at them with a disgusted face and then said," They're just laughing it's not like they are do anything special." Shino shook his head and said," When you laugh it makes you feel this... Feeling and you can't stop because of this cheerfulness, well you can but it just feels nice!" Yami thought about it and said," I still don't get it, but you might be right." She said this because she had never laughed before and she never had friends before. Shino started to say," Here I'll give you an example umm.... got it! - make up your own joke - She started to giggle then laugh!

She couldn't stop then she fell down and soon stopped with short giggles. She felt happy and told Shino," Thanks I've never thought laughing would make me feel like this!" She smiled and Shino smiled too. All they did was chat with each other for the whole last day of school not caring about the periods. After school ended they went home. Shino and Yami goes the same direction to their house so they just walked together. Shino's house was the closes so he had to say bye to her.

Yami went home by herself and soon she sees her pet, Orinmi, waiting on the porch. Orinmi is a cat that has a secret that Yami only know. Orinmi said," Well I see you have a friend now. What his name?" Yami replied," Shino Orina the student who I usually see napping on the roof even if it's time for classes." Orinmi said," Hmm.. that's an interesting name. He must be a nice guy." Yami nodded yes and went into the house then went into her room. She laid down and said," Shino Orina, you are such a great friend.

Shino went into his house and said hi to his sister, Sana. Sana shouted," Oh ya! Shino! You're package has just arrived inside the mailbox and get the mail while you are doing it!" Shino said," Thanks for telling me sis and I will!" He ran out of the house then got the mail and his package. He put the mail on the dinner table then ran upstairs into his room. He opened it and it was a new notebook to draw. He bought a new one because he used all his pages in his notebooks already.

He started to draw what happened today. He drew a girl with beautiful eyes and red hair talking with him laughing. He made her with the prettiest smile he ever drew and he wrote the girl named Yami Gamtima changed my life. He then closed his notebook then got ready to sleep. The next day he woke up at 7:30!!! He was late!!! He got changed and ran to school. He arrived just in time and saw Yami sitting on a bench near a Sakura tree in the park.

Shino asked," Why are you not at school?" She giggled and said," Shino, it was the last day of school yesterday." He was shocked and said," Are you sure because all I did yesterday was relax!!" He was shamed of his self and said," Anyways what are you at the park?" Yami replied," Well I'm here to let my cat have some fresh air." Shino asked," Where's your cat?" She pointed at the tree where it was relaxing. Shino said," It's so cute!!" Orinmi looked at him and whispered to Yami," Is this the guy!"

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