1) 12, 000 YEARS AGO

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As heaven angels decended towards Earth discriminately slaughtering every human they saw. A war broke though out the Cosmos. Humans barely defended against the blind wrath of the angels.

Seeing this ravaged assaults humans started to figth back knowing that there's no escape.
These actions lead towards a war that clashed for decades.

Seeing the in-humanity of the angels a hero rose from the side of humans. A female warrior named Celianne who had wheat blond hair that reached to her shoulders, with emerald green eyes and a voluptuous body.
On the other side angels were lead by 3 angels who had nothing but hatred towards the humans.
Most recognised among them was a male warrior named Apollonius , who had red vermillon eyes and crimsom hair which reached his waist.he has a wellbuilt body. And had wings that emmited the shades of th sun.
Humans feared his arrival and was know as Solar Wing among the angels.

Both warriors fought for their species.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2015 ⏰

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