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Maddies POV


*A few weeks later*

I cant believe im goin to another Concert. Im still not over the Heat Game. It was so amazing. It was the best.

We left to go to the concert a few hours early so we could get in the front of the Meet and Greet line. My friend Katie and I came. Justin gave me 2 tickets.

"You think he will remember you?" Katie asked.

"I really hope so. I was front page of the Magazine for a week for him."

I was in a white half shirt that says Believe and purple short shorts. . With a Belieber necklace and gold shoes amd of course a purple NY hat (:

We arrived at 5:00pm.

Katie and I walked in and collected our tickets and wrist bands.

In the line we played music. Of course Justins. We were in that line for 2 hours and then the line started moving. I could see him in the room.

I couldnt controll myself and niether could Katie. We were crazy. We walked in.

"Hey Maddie." Justin said.


"Haha hey. You remember me."

"How could I not? You stood up in a crowd of thousands of people and stool up for me. I could never forget you!"

I started tearing up.

"NEXT!!" Screamed the security guard.

Katie and i walked out.

Me and her both just started bawling. We bith couldnt believe that this was happening to us.

When we arrived in the Stadium a Security Guard showed us to our seats. Our seats were right at the stage. We could touch the Stage. I couldnt thank justin enough.

And then it happen. The lights went down and the Believe timer read 00:00

Everyone screamed.

He came out on wings. Ive been to a Believe Concert but it was like it was my first time. I screamed throughout the entire concert.

Then my favorite song aas about to come on. One Less Lonely Girl. But then someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around and it was Allison. I started just bawling. I lost controll of my body. She led me backstage. She did my make up and fixed me up. I probably looked like a mess.

Then the dancers led me to the chair. Justin smiled at me. I put my hands in my face. I couldnt stop crying. Out of all these people. I was OLLG.

He put the crown on me and led me backstage. He gave me a big hug.

"I hope you had fun. I cant thank you enough for what you did."

I just kept crying.

Allison led me back to my seat and handed me a peice if paper. She said not to open it to the end of the concert. When i leave.

I promised.

The concert ended an hour later and i couldnt wait to open the paper.


I was pretty happy to see 3 reads (: better than 0. Lol. If u like this book please vote. Thank you (:

It all started when.. (Justin Bieber Fan Fiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora