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Our world is one full of darkness. The skys are shrouded with blackened smoke filled clouds that trap the sunlight out. Causing things to die, because of the lack of sunlight and those coal colored clouds give us no water, causing the grass and other plant life to no longer grow. It's been like this for years. When my mother, the queen, got into power she was afraid, afraid of the mirror walkers. The people that could look into any reflection and see all your darkest secrets, could expose you to those evil things and make you relive them, and punish you for them. So she used her sickening powers and filled the sky with this black smog we see today, her and her army destroyed every mirror known in our world, only a few could possess one, and only with the queen's permission.

These dark clouds prevent almost any light, making it impossible to gaze into the beautiful sky late at night, and with the lack of mirrors and reflections, people have forgotten what it was like to be beautiful again. Now the townspeople roam these empty dirty streets with greasy hair, acne covered faces, those huge warts and black eyes from the lack of food. People have begun to die in these streets, causing the dirtyness and the darkness to only deepen. This town is no longer what it once was, it once was a town of beautiful people, dances every night, people roaming and helping each other, sharing what we had, even assisting someone that no longer had a home to live in. But just as this sky had blackened so has our souls. Those dying kids in the street get ignored. Those parents begging for something to feed the family get yelled at and kicked to the ground, and when the queen, my mother, comes into town. Those poor families that can't afford to live a high life, get murdered.

She crushes people's hopes and dreams, hit the children that try to hug her and ask her for food. Curses those that look up to her. If you're not beautiful she doesn't love you. But how could you be beautiful if the world you live in is shrouded in darkness. Those thick blankets of snow and sunshine getting trapped, and when we are lucky, and those black clouds drop dirty water on us, when they reach the ground they have become steam, filling our world with a deep drewry fog that covers the streets and homes. Making it even easier for someone to disappear unexpectedly, someone to get murdered, making it all the easier to cut down the populations.

But even that doesn't even happen very often.

This is a hopeless battle, one that cannot be won. We have been trying for years. Those mirror walkers that are still alive and have managed to keep it hidden tried their hardest to clean those skies, to get rid of the queen. But now only one stands. A hopeless girl that can get away from the queen no matter how hard she tries. A girl that is even more surrounded by that dark cloud because she is the closes to the heart of the queen then anyone, and you think you could finally get rid of her, but she can't.

That girl is me. I am the queen's daughter. I was born with the mirror walking skills and if my mother knew I would be dead and left in the streets to rot just as the rest were. Before my father disappeared he helped me discover my power, just when I was barely starting to walk, I remember him taking me and my sister through a portal, the mirror world. The world inside was twisted and shiny, there was a million ways out, and he took us through one. Taking us to a world similar to ours, but not quite as beautiful. Then I remember going back, I was standing by my sister's bed when him and my mother began fighting, yelling, I remember she raised her hand to him just as she had to me so many times, and struck him down. He shouted at her, calling her names then storming off. And when I awoke my father was gone, with my sister. My mother told me that my father was evil, he had killed my sister that night and ran away in fear of us, I believed that for so many years, until I relied how much of a lie it was. After he was gone she was telling me stories of the evil mirror walkers, they ones that go into other dimensions just to hurt someone, and when I asked questions like "Wasn't dad one?" She would stuck me, hurt me, and just laugh as I layed there crying on the floor, I remember the day that she destroyed all the mirrors and took those known mirror walkers, killing them in front of everybody. The one I remember the most is her clutching a brand new baby on top of a million of already murdered walkers, the baby was marked with the mirror walking sign. She held it above her head and declared war on all the mirror walkers, saying they could leave or be killed. And then with the cooing baby girl, she threw her as hard as she could off the stack. The baby hit the ground and almost exploded from the force, scaring the rest away, all except me. But how can I stand up to a god, when she strikes me down every day. But our people are starving, suffering, dying, and we need that sun to come back. We need a savior and this is my call for help.

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