Chapter 3

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The sound of the level six alarm was so loud, it was ringing in my ears. As I was standing holding Yuma I herd my intercom fizz. it was my school Headmaster. "Miss Knight, can you hear me. Get Yuma out his to hurt to fight, then take care of this thing"

"Affirmative Sir, exiting door 4."

"Roger, I am waiting with a first aid crew". I flew over to the exit and droped off Yuma and turned to the Headmaster.

"Sir I'm going to go and finish this, close the door when I leave". My heart was racing.

"BZZZZZZZZ BZZZZZZZZZ", my intercom went off it was the Headmaster. "Miss Knight we made an attack plan, you are to use your sniper rifle and leave a distance between you and that thing at all time."

"Sir yes Sir". I grabbed my sniper rifle and aimed at the black I.S. My finger on the trigger and my eye on the scope. BANG, reload, BANG, reload BANG, three shots fired. "SHIT, all three hit but didn't make a scratch on the black I.S."

"Miss Knight, what did you just say". hearing that question from my Headmaster it made me scared, this might be a long fight.

"Sir, my bullets are not making a scratch on this I.S. What do I do Sir".

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