2nd year College

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I feel like I'm starting off fresh again now I have everything. I go to daily art conventions I get a part time job for an art teacher for the kids and I am second year college now.

All those years flew by really but things feel slow whenever I think about Em I just can't seem to get a hold of myself when ever she pops out of my mind.

I got home and I opened my Laptop as an email pops up right off my screen it was from Em.. I was quite nervous cause I haven't really talked to her for a year now although I had the guts and I opened the Email.

Emi78:Hey Josh What's Up? Contact me when you can I know You're a busy man but I need you now.. Thanks :)

This was two minutes ago and I knew I had a chance to catch up with her so I did.

Joshie:Hey Em what's up? What do you need I'm free for now.

I sit at the edge of my chair hoping that she replies immediately cause I don't really have much time on my hands.

Emi78:Josh Oh God you don't know how much I miss you! Where have you been.

Joshie:I'm busy with the same old boring stuff you know..

Emi78:What you up to tonight?

Joshie:I'm gonna hang out with a girl named jane

Emi78:is she your bestfriend?

Joshie:well I guess you can call it that but I kinda like her.

Emi78:Like, like like her?

Joshie: yeah I guess so..

Emi78: oh I really missed you I hope we can hang out in your apartment sometimes..

Joshie:We can hang tonight.

Emi78:What about emma you dweeb?

Joshie:I can explain plus you're my number one priority...

Emi78:thanks I really need you right now since me and billy broke up last month he's been acting different lately..

Joshie:I'm really sorry Em you know I'm always here for you..

Emi78:It's okay plus I'm better now I'm excited to see you again! pick me up at 8:00 and remember you can't be late!

Joshie:all this years and you still rush me eh..

Emi78:Time is not your friend josh better act fast

I swiftly got dressed and start up my car, going back to my old street felt really weird and nostalgic at the same time.

I got to Em's house door and knocked I shouted "Em I'm here open Up" Em got out and I was shocked to see her all grown up looking as beautiful as ever.

I put up a smile and told her that she looked really nice today. She just smiled back I did the gesture like I always do and she grabs my hand.

I opened the door for Em and we set off driving a few miles until some old songs came playing off the car radio.

We started singing together remembering the old days when we were yet kids playing with loud music on.

We got down on my apartment and we just layed around for quite some time talking about what's going on with our lives..

Things got a bit serious then Em asked me if I keep any alcoholic beverages around. And I do.

But I insisted that it was a bad Idea to drink. She insisted though so I got the beverage.

She started drinking and talking about how she wasn't really thinking about billy when they broke up, she was thinking about me.

I could see that she was drunk very drunk then she suddenly asked a question out of nowhere.

She said "Remember the time in the highschool end of the year party we got so bored I ask you out to go walk with me?"

I replied with a "of course I do"

She looked at me in the eye and asked "why didn't you kiss me?"

I replied "I hope I did"

Then she closed her eyes slowly leaning towards me and then she kissed me on the lips I was very scared but she continued anyways.

Let's just say that's when I lost my virginity..

I woke up with a very sweet aroma.. I opened my eyes to see what it was as I woke up it was Em. She made coffee.

"Hey goodmorning sleepyhead" she said with a sweet smile on her face.

I laughed as I put on some clothes.

She said "here have some brewed coffee"

I was so happy at this moment knowing this isn't a dream I kept on pinching myself to see if it was real and it was.

Waking up with your true love with you is the best feeling ever..

I drank coffee with Em then I drove her home she kissed me again before she left..

I jumped to my car and happily drove home..

Me and Emily dated for 2 years everything was perfect we had some fights but we kept close together..

Until something happened..

Em just suddenly started to act weirder and weirder everyday it's as if she doesn't want to be a part of this relationship anymore she asked me to let her go. So I did.

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