Chapter 8

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Once, when I was twelve, I had planned to spend the night at a friend’s house. I had all my stuff packed and told her I’d be there at seven. The thing was, I couldn’t drive yet. 

I would have asked my mum but she was out at a marketing meeting. My only option was my father. 

I gave a quiet knock on his office door.

“Come in,” he said, not bothering to look up. His attention was focused on the stack of papers in front of him.

“Erm, Dad,” I started, peaking into the room. “Can you drive me to Amelia’s?”

“I’m busy.” he stated, his eyes not leaving his work. I stepped further into the room.

“It would only take a few minutes,” I said, my voice soft.

“I don’t have a few minutes, Sophie.” he said, scribbling his signature on the bottom of a contract and setting it aside.

“But - “

“I’m busy.” he repeated, this time more stern.

“Please,” I said, knowing I was pushing it. He slammed his hands down on his desk and finally looked me in the eye. He stood up with so much force he nearly knocked over his chair. He strode over and stood in front of me, waving his finger.

“You know that when I’m busy I need to be left alone. You don’t need to be going to a friend’s anyways.” he said.

“But - “

This time I was broken off, not by his words, but instead his hand across my cheek. I quickly put my hand over the now reddening area on my face. He then grabbed me forcefully by the top of my shoulders. His powerful hands digging bruises into my skin. 

His face was red and burning with anger. The veins in his neck were bulging, letting me know I had gone too far.

“You nag just like your mother.” he spat, throwing me into the wall. I smacked my forehead against the wood, immediately feeling liquid race down into my eyes.

He grabbed my arm and turned me back to face him. It was taking everything for me not to let the tears escape. I couldn’t make him feel more powerful over me than he already was. I had to prove that I wasn’t weak.

“Go to your room, unpack, and stay there.” he ordered. He pushed me out of his grip and towards the door.

I obeyed him and ran to my bedroom, my travel bag in hand. I threw it to the side and crashed onto my bed, letting the tears pour out. When I lifted my head up I noticed a red stain on my pillow. I held my hand to my forehead and ran to the mirror. My cheek was bright red and the bump on my forehead had a small gash through it.

Now the option of sneaking out was out of the question. I couldn’t let Amelia see me like this. I couldn’t let anyone see me like this.


“I have a charity gala next weekend, Black Tie. I need you to be there,” said my mother over our phone conversation.

“But - “

“No buts. James will need to be there too. We need the both of you for the publicity.” she said.

“Leave it to the Caliways to turn a charity event into a publicity stunt,” I muttered.

“What was that?” asked my mother.

“Nothing,” I said quickly. “We’ll be there. I’ll have to stop at home to get a dress.”

“That’s fine dear. Now, how’s university going?” she asked, lightening her tone.

“Pretty well, I’m getting good marks and such.” I told her.

Fighting the Stars - A Jack Harries Fanfictonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें