The Morning After Ch.3

Start from the beginning

I couldn't help but laugh he was funny maybe breakfast wasn't that bad of an idea. No! Because breakfast can lead to sex! Well with my wolf it can, especially when she got a taste of him last night. And from what I remember it was really nice...although I don't have anything to compare it to, cept Billy Keil in 9th grade who I made out with and I let him feel me up but over clothes I didn't enjoy it much. He was too rough I like a little rough I am a werewolf (least I think it's a werewolf thing) but he hurt. Conrad though he was gentle but rough when he needed to be.

"Look...I ...I can't I have some stuff that I have to do..." I said looking away. I didn't want my wolf to hurt him its amazing he's ok. He is...isn't he? I looked him up and down he had no socks but his pants they weren't even buttoned. He had scratches on his chest and small dig marks. I couldn't look farther up at him I hurt him enough what happens if I completely lose control and turn him in the moment.

"Oh...well am I going to see you again?" He asked sounding sad at first but full of hope. Hope that I had to crush sadly I couldn't. For his own protection I couldn't see him again.

"I don't thing that's a good idea...I mean we both know what last night was..." I said quietly still looking down.

He scoffed. "I don't think I do, maybe you could clear it up for me." He said in a low voice filled with irritation.

"Well you know a-a one night stand...I mean last shouldn't have happened." I said looking out into the woods actually wishing I was in my wolf form so I wouldn't have to do this.

"One night stand huh? So you do a lot of one night stands...hell of course you do I mean you were a pro at sneaking out."

"Excuse me! For your information I've never don't this before! I haven't even had sex before last night you really shouldn't talk about things you don't know!" I yelled at him.

"A-a-a uh v-virgin?" He said with big eyes and shock stuck on his face.

"Yes! What'd you think!" I snapped glaring at him.

"W-well I just...uh I uh thought I don't know maybe you just haven't had sex for a while or maybe you were just uh...ya know naturally small. I'm sorry I should have been more careful."

I shook my head. "Look last night shouldn't have can't happen again. I'm sorry but what happened was a mistake." I said as I spun around at ran into the woods. I didn't want to wait for his reply my wolf was going crazy telling me to just take him right here, and I really was scared that maybe he regretted it.

Once I got in the woods I stripped and shifted. I gathered my clothes in my mouth and ran as fast as I could back home. It felt good stretching my legs and feeling the dirt under my paws I just wish it was night because its easier to hide from people. I got to the highway and darted across when I saw it was empty glad for it because I'm a bit bigger than wolves but I'm small compared to werewolves. Still people don't like any kind of wolf it seems.

Finally I got behind the woods of my house, I shifted back and put on my clothes as soon as possible. I always hated the shifting part it doesn't hurt anymore but it's a highly uncomfortable feeling. I walked up the back yard and to the back door. I reached up above the door for the little ledge and found my key. I opened the door and slowly and quietly.

"Sneaking into your own house?" Really Harp!" I heard behind me as I closed the back door to the kitchen. I sighed and turned around ready to face what ever she had to say.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked keeping my eyes on the floor.

"I think the question is where have you been?" She said I knew she was crossing her arms I could only imagine the questions she was going to ask.

"Well...I've just been...ya know...out." I stumbled out.

"Harper spill NOW!" She said as she sat down at my kitchen nook. I sat down across from Casey and put my head in my hands. I knew the only way I was going to get a shower and sleep today was to just tell her.

"I slept with him..." I mumbled out wistfully thinking that maybe, just maybe she would not hear me and leave. Don't get me wrong Casey is the best friend anyone could have but it was already hard not telling her what I was, but now I couldn't even explain why I slept with Conrad.

"Oh My Gosh! You're kidding right?" At the shake of my head 'no' she gasped. "With who!" She said excitedly.

"His name is Conrad. I say him in the cafe and then at the party and I guess I had too much to drink."

"WOW! I didn't thing you were ever going to lose you're virginity!" She screeched.

"Um...thanks..." What did that mean! Of course I was going to lose it. I just wasn't planning on losing it anytime soon.

"Well I mean come on Harp you never go on dates unless I force you...I just wasn't expecting you to just lose it to some guy! Are you ok with this? Are you guys going out now? I'm gonna be the maid of honor right! Cause I swear no ones gonna rock that speach like me!"

"Casey! Slow down! Breath! No ones getting MARRIED! And no I'm not seeing him was just a one time thing..." I got out fast. Sometimes...ok almost all the time Casey tends to get ahead of herself.

"Why not?" She asked looking confuse. I sighed and got up getting ready to shower and sleep for a month. To bad I wasn't a bear!

"Because Casey I dont even know him. I don't want a boyfriend anyways, all I want is to focus on school and get my degree. I'm going to go jump in the shower and then go to bed. You're welcome to stay if you want." I said with a small smile and headed up stairs.

Onces I got out of the shower I slipped on my huge t-shirt that dwarfed me. Then pulled the comforter and snuggled in and willing my brain to shut up, and let me sleep. Surprisingly it did.

Ok so I had some extra time to myself tonight so I figured I'd try and get this out. I think this is 3pages I hope it is on Wattpad and I hope it long enough I was going to put Conrad's POV in this Chapter but I figured I'd try and keep it on POV a Chapter if I can. The Next one will be in Conrad's POV I'm not sure if Harper's POV will be with it. It depends how long Conrad's is. Anywho hope ya'll like it I only read it once so I might have missed some stuff. I'll try to tomorrow to read it again but I have a lot to do so I will make spelling corrections if I see them when I can. I apologize for any errors but hope you like it! What do ya'll thing is going to happen? What will Conrad do? Happy reading and thank you again for taking the time reading my stories:)


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