I did the same for her when she would have an attack, but i suffered from them more frequently than she did.

She is the one of the main reasons i am so impatient on getting back to Seattle.

Axl and I got to talking about clubs we could play at out of L.A.

Seattle was definitely the first choice with no thought about it. Especially with how i already know a lot of the club owners from when i played in 'The Fastbacks' and numerous bands growing up.

I tried really hard to keep in contact with Megan as much as possible.

Which is very hard when you don't have a steady place to live. Most of the times we did talk was not long after i first got here, but for roughly the last year and a half i haven't been able to get a hold of her.

Numerous times i tried whenever i managed to get a hold of a phone or money to use a booth. I could not for the life of me get a hold of her at all.

It was very strange considering when I still lived in Seattle, she would answer most of the time or at least she would always call back. She was always reliable in that case.

 The occasional time i do manage to get in contact with Donner i ask how she is?, if he's even seen her.

Not sure if she even wants to talk to me anymore with her not answering or returning my calls.

It doesn't help that i can't call her now even if i wanted to. Somehow with moving my stuff here and there i lost a lot of my old contact numbers along with Megans only contact number.

I only have my parents numbers and Donners off an old flyer.

The last time I did talk to my Ma, she said she had barely seen Megan around for months.

Which I found very strange since she lived right next door, plus she is like another daughter to my Ma.

 I haven't got around to calling Donner for a few months, i know he would never leave Seattle but Megan, she might of moved elsewhere and moved on. I'm really hoping she will still be there.

I walk out of Izzys apartment with all the guys stirring & spread out all over the dirty torn carpet and furniture.

I decide to give them more time to wake up knowing i could try all I like, nothing will get them up.

I light a cigarette putting it between my lips, i decide to head out and check on Stevens car. To ensure all our stuff is packed alright and hasn't been broken into over night, which is all you expect to happen in the jungle.

After looking around the apartments open car park, i look around taking a long drag off my tenth cigarette for the morning.

Exhaling the smoke slowly, i notice a few other cars around, but Stevens Pontiac shitbox nowhere to be found.

" I swear it was parked right here!" I mumble to myself. Doing a double take around.

"Ohh Fuck!!" I curse realizing it's definitely gone for good.

 "Ohh shit shit!" I mumble aloud dropping my cigarette out my mouth onto the concrete.

I pad across the car park, back to the apartments door.

Just as i go to open the door back into the apartment, a loud car horn honks over and over. Now most likely waking the whole apartment complex.

Making me jump out of my skin, spinning around in a flash, slamming my back and head on the door.

"Ow.. What the fuck!!" I let out whilst rubbing my the back of my head.

I notice it is Stevens car.. but it wasn't Steven driving.

At least we've still got our chance to get to Seattle.

I try to concentrate through the cars front window to see who is driving. It is then I recognize a head of red hair, who was now parking the wagon which now magically has a U-haul trailer attached to it.

 I didn't even notice Axl was gone, expecting him to be the last to get up considering he was quite a night owl, with a hangover on top of that.

" Do we really need that?!" I question looking at Axl as he gets out the car. Thinking he's crazy, i thought we could just pack the back of the wagon to the brim and make do.

"Do you really expect the five of us to all cram into this shitbox for a nearly 17 hour trip!... plus all you idiots instruments" Axl states thinking its a marvellous idea and that was a stupid question to ask.

"How the fuck could you afford... this man" i manage to get out while pointing at the U-haul.

"Well... don't be expecting any money from last nights gig", he replies thinking we can do without cash till we earn money at gigs once we get there.

"That means we have na-da! for the trip, you do know that right?" I state.

"Stevens got his mothers gas card.. we should be fine, stop bitching!!" Axl responds heading into the apartment swinging the car keys around his finger.

I choose not to argue the point. Not wanting to start an argument. Now I'm even more anxious, but at least if we do get stuck or something happens, it won't be on me.

An hour later we finally managed to get all our drunken arses packed and cramed into the wagon, leaving our L.A. jungle. Look out Seattle!.

(Picture above is Stevens Pontiac wagon, more to come shortly.)

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