"I guess you could say so," Haylee said before handing him her note that stated that she was late. When Cory looked at the slip and saw the name, his eyes widened. He knew something was familiar about her and know he knew what it was. It was Haylee. The girl he had known since she was just a little kid. But she looked so different now, compared to the last time he saw her. 

And as Haylee was moving towards the only available seat, the one she had always sat on, she couldn't help but look at the brunette and blonde in front of her desk. The shocked looks that they had on their faces before whispering to each other, made Haylee's stomach tie in a knot.

She knew the girls very well and they were her best friends before this change happened but, know she wasn't so sure if they recognized her and some part of her felt saddened about that. But she knew that she would tell them about it eventually but, at the time she just wasn't ready to do it. And when she would be ready, Haylee didn't know. It could be in an hour, a few days or never. 

"So, today we are gonna find out if anyone here believes in something so strong, they would fight for it" 

End bullying in school, prevent global warming, end poverty, and hunger. Haylee could go on all day about all the things she would fight for. But at the time, it wasn't her time to talk. 

So when the blonde sitting diagonally from the brunette had the chance to do so, Haylee knew that it wasn't going to end well. 


"Yes, sir"

"Prestent your homework"

"Can't do that, sir"

"Why not?"

"Didn't do my homework, sir." 

"Why not?"

"That's what I'm fighting against, sir.

oh boy.

"oh, this could go on for awhile," said Farkle as he put on a sleep mask, muttering "Farkle, Farkle, Farkle, Farkle"

"I didn't do my homework either." the quirky brunette said. What a liar. Riley always does her homework, it's a fact proven by many.

Cory looked at this daughter. "Oh, really?" He questioned.

"Yeah, we are the same now. I don't believe in homework"

Riley, that doesn't make you Maya at all. Haylee looked up as she felt eyes on her. Just as her eyes looked up she made contact with a pair of shocked brown ones. Yeah, she probably said it out loud again.

Maya raised her hand and announced, "I have something to say"

Mr. Matthews looked at Maya shocked. "Wow. I don't know what to do, I've never seen this before. The floor's yours, miss Hart."

Maya stood up, walked to Farkle and pulled his sleep mask off. "Get up, Farke. You're gonna wanna be awake for this."

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