Competitive George

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It was a Friday evening and you’d decided to have an evening in together. What better way to spend it than playing Mario kart on the wii, it was always an interesting experience to say the least. Neither you nor George were particularly competitive people… except when it came to Mario kart.

The countdown appeared on the TV screen, 3,2,1, Go.  You raced off each as your own mii’s in the wild wing cars. You’d already played 3 rounds and it was currently two, one to you. You had to win this last round to win the game but you felt George beside you lean forward and focus on the screen. He clearly didn’t want to lose another round to you.

You and George were in first and second place all through the race continually alternating. Just as you were about to pass the finish line in first place, you slipped on a banana causing George to overtake you claiming first position.

-         “You know what this means?” He asked a smile creeping across his face.

-         “You don’t completely suck at Mario kart?” You teased.

-         “Oh hahahaha” He said sarcastically. “No, it means we have one last race to play, and whoever wins the next race, wins overall.” He paused. “Unless you want to claim your second prize now?” He challenged.

-         “No don’t worry about it, I can beat you one more time. Not like I haven’t done it before.” You told him confidently.

-         “Bring it on.”

You clicked rainbow road, the level you both found hardest. ‘3,2,1, Go’ The screen indicated for you to start the race. Off you both went. You fell off almost immediately causing George to fall about laughing.

-         “Who’s laughing now?” You giggled as you watched him fall off a few seconds after you.

Honestly, you were both doing terrible, taking turns to fall off. You crossed the line for the second time meaning you only had one lap left. ‘You can do this.’ You told yourself over and over determined to win. You were so focused that you almost jumped out your skin when you felt George nudge your steering wheel causing you to fall off as he drove passed laughing hysterically.

-         “Oh you are so going to pay for that!” You told him. You knew how ticklish he was so you threw down your wii remote and tickled his sides.

-         “Stop it Y/N.” He said through his laughter.  You ignored him and continued tickling him. “STOP” He shouted still laughing uncontrollably.

You stopped tickling him and picked up your wii remote, collected yourself and attempted to finish the game but before you got much further, you felt George get closer and before you knew it, he was tickling you. ‘Damn’ you thought, ‘why do I have to be so ticklish.’

-         “Stop.” You instructed between giggles. By this point you were laying across the sofa too weak from laughter to push yourself up. George was sat on top of you still tickling your sides, finding your reaction hilarious. All of a sudden the tickling stopped and you felt his lips pressed against yours. You kissed him back completely forgetting the on-going game of Mario Kart. You closed your eyes and smiled into the kiss feeling him do the same. You didn’t want it to end but you knew you needed to come up for air sooner or later. Eventually you pulled away. Grinning, you looked into his eyes, “For the record, I won.”

-         “No way. How did you work that out?” He questioned.

-         “Well I was winning and if it hadn’t been for you, I would have won.”

-         “Not necessarily.” He smiled.

-         “Yes necessarily.”

-         “Not true.” He insisted.

-         “It is true and you know it.”

-         “Shut up Y/N!”

-         “Make me.” You challenged.

Once again, you felt his lips against yours moving in sync with your own. You felt butterflies in your stomach.

-         “I love you Y/N” he told you, pulling away.

-         “I love you too George!”

Competitive GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now