"Of course come this way." The waiter said, and lead us to a little table around the back of the restaurant. We sat down, and peered at our menus. "What can I get you for drinks?"

"I'll have water please." I said politely, and sweetly. Kylen frowned, and glared at the waiter.

"I'll have coke. Large." The waiter nodded, and walked off to get our drinks. I decided to confront Kylen politely why he was being so rude to our waiter.

"Why are you being rude?"

He looked up from his menu at me, and smiled. "I'm not?" He asked sweetly.

"Oh, um ok. I just thought th - " He grabbed my wrist cutting me off. "Kylen -"

"Why were you flirting with him?"

"I wasn't Kylen-"

"Yes you were. Now why. Tell me Carter."

"But I promise Kylen, I wasn't I swear." I said, bewildered. He muttered something under his breath before returning to his menu. I decided I wanted Ravioli. Mushroom ravioli.

The waiter returned, and again gave me a sad look. "Can I take your order?" He asked.

Kylen looked at me, meaning I should order first. "I'll have the mushroom ravioli please."

"I'll have the steak."

"Ok, would you like any side ord -"

"No, now go away." I gasped at how rude he was.

"You are being rude." I confront him. "That poor waiter was only being friendly."

"Why do you say that? Why are you sticking up for him? Do you like him?" He asked, his face going red, meaning he was getting angry.

"No, of course I don't like him! That's silly, I don't even know him! What is up with you today?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine." He stated. I huffed and learnt back into my chair. The silence was awkward. Nobody spoke. We both waited patiently for our waiter to some back with our food. When he did, he gave me another sympathetic look, and I smiled almost forced at him.

I took a bite of my dinner, and almost felt like I was going to hurl. It wasn't that the food was bad, in fact I thought it was quite nice, but the nerves mixing with the food in my stomach just wanted to let go.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said, hoping my voice didn't sound too gagged. Kylen nodded, and I headed towards the bathroom.

I threw up in the bathroom toilet. I wiped my mouth, and looked at how awful I was. My hair that was all sleek and perfect, now looked a mess. I sighed, and sleeked it back with some water, and it thankfully worked. I just wanted to get out of here. This date was not going well.

At all.

I walked out of the bathroom, and peered around the corner. There I saw Kylen pushing our waiter to the floor, and punching him repeatedly.

"How, dare you- hit on- my girlfriend" He said. I almost fainted from the shock of it all. Kylen was going to kill him if he carried on, but I was frozen on the spot, unable to move or even protest. I just stood there and watch my date, the sweet boy I was growing to like, beat up someone. Almost killing them. Kylen suddenly turned and looked me straight in the eye. He wiped some blood off his hand, and took it in mine. I gasped, and went to pull away, but it stayed firmly in mine.

"Come on. We're leaving." I couldn't do anything but follow him, out of the restaurant, leaving the unconscious waiter behind. "Get in the car." He said. I did what I was told, and got in. He did my seatbelt for me, and then got in the other side.

Nefarious BoyWhere stories live. Discover now