Chapter One

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Harry Potter or any other characters you recognise from the Harry Potter Series. It all belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter One

Hermione Granger forced herself out of bed. Pulling the covers away, she stood up and walked towards the mirror. After the war, the former 7th years had been given the opportunity to come back as their education had been disrupted, due to the war. The ones that had returned were few and had therefore been assigned their own common room with separate bedrooms instead of dormitories.

She looked into the mirror and observed herself. She had always kept a good figure hidden under her baggy school robes. She was fairly curvaceous and well developed. Her face had gotten a little plumper since the war - not enough to make her look obese, but enough to take away the gaunt look she had attained, due to under nourishment during the war. She traced her lips slowly with a finger; they had grown fuller and redder. Her hair had become thicker, longer and thankfully, less bushy. It now fell in soft, chocolate coloured, wavy tresses to about the middle of her back. Her eyes remained a beautiful whiskey colour, with golden flecks. Her creamy coloured skin was soft and unblemished and had lost the pallor it had had because of stress and lack of sleep. Hermione Granger had grown into a beautiful young lady.

She walked to the girls shower and knocked on the door to see if there was anyone inside. No answer. Good. After stripping and getting inside the shower, she pondered over her life whilst enjoying the pounding of the water on her back. She thought about how she felt about her life. It had been good, ever since the end of the war, but there was one thing that she wasn't so happy with. Ron. Before and during the war, things were so bad that she had no time to consider anything apart from survival and finding horcruxes. But after, her feelings for Ron had come to light. Surely he must have an inkling of my feelings for him she had thought to herself, but after a week of his unresponsiveness, she had forgotten that thought. He and Harry had decided to embrace their freedom, going to parties and living like real teenagers. But her 'we mustn't break the rules' attitude prevented her from doing things she thought to be reckless. It hurt her to hear about his endeavours with other girls, outside of school, but she overcame that and tried to be happy for him.

Fifteen minutes later, she decided that it was time to get out. Sighing, she turned off the water and stepped out. After drying herself and changing into her school uniform, she made her way to the Great Hall.


Her eyes scanned the Great Hall for Harry and Ron.

'Over here Hermione!' shouted Harry. She made her way to the Gryffindor table and sat opposite Ron.

'Hello Ronald,' she said, a look of amused disgust on her face, watching as he stuffed food into his mouth.

'Hi Hermione,' he replied, looking up, and speaking with his mouth wide open, revealing the food inside it. 

'You really shouldn't eat with your mouth open. You'll choke!' She scolded.

'Yes, Mum,' he said sarcastically. Little did he know that his referral to Hermione as his mother had been a stab at her heart.

Trying hard not to let her emotions show on her face, she began buttering some toast violently.

'Anything the matter?' said Harry knowingly. Unfortunately for her, Harry had picked up on her feelings for Ron and had been pressuring her to tell him ever since.

She turned beetroot red and Harry smirked. 'No, nothing at all,' she replied with a hint of warning in her voice. Meanwhile, Ron continued to stuff himself with food. He was just so insensitive! It absolutely maddened Hermione that he couldn't take hints or notice when a friend, a very good friend at that, was unhappy. She didn't think that he would get the message if she screamed it out loud in the Great Hall. Still, a girl could only hope.

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