Chaster 2: The light's power

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I ran through a door quickely closing it behind me. " Now where is the gun." I said. "Right here, grab it." Convinently there was a lot of ammo and clips already. I soon figured it was because I was next to a 100 year old corpse and this gun was very old and didn't do to well on the damage factor. Through the hallway my motion sensor lit up red in the direction right by the next wall, I griped my gun tighter, turned and there was nothing. To my relief, or I thought, a fallen jumped out at the end of the hallway and before I could aim another blew threw the rusted floor, I pushed my hand out to attack and a pulse of energy came out of my hand killing the beast. I drew my weapon and fired a few shots, the fallen the the same, I killed the thing and he landed a shot and it hurt like being punched and then slammed all at once. The bullet hadn't broken the armor's shield but I never want to do that again. Then the ghost said " more Fallen ahead." The yelled in my helmet "trip mines, don't touch them."
The trip mines aren't enough to kill you but make you hurt everywhere then of course a shot to the head doesn't help. All of the sudden I see myself appear out of a ball and the ghost said "Be careful you died again." Then the freakout started. He tells me that with the light that I posses I can be brought back from the dead unless my ghost dies to. And I'm like " your telling me that if I turn that corner I will see my dead body." My ghost said "Yep." I say " if I put you in my pocket I won't really have to worry about dying to much" " theoretically, no" "sweet, lets go do this." after I got outside I had a migraine, oh my head hurts. I saw a flair and then four massive ships appear and I knew we had to leave fast

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2015 ⏰

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