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Hello everyone, this is the sequel to Chase Musical Adventure. So if you're reading this and you haven't read my first story don't read this, go and read the first story. That OC up there doesn't belong to me. It belongs to AngelDarkWolf. She let me use her Oc as the sister for Iris in this story so the credit goes to her. Okay let's begin.

Iris P.O.V

It's been a year since Chase and Skye got married but at the wedding, I felt like we were being watched by someone that wasn't part of the party but I brushed it off and forgot about it. Then some weeks after the wedding, I started having visions but I never paid attention to them but it just seemed to strike me just now but I don't know why. "Hello, Earth to Iris, this is your friend Elise calling into the scene, are you okay?" Elise shouted in my ear. I shaked my head and said, "I'm fine and WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" "Sorry for disturbing you, you've been in dream world for up to an hour now and you hadn't moved, you okay?" Skye asked concerned. "(Sighs) I'm okay, something has been bugging me for a while but it's nothing to worry about." I said getting up. "You sure, cause if it's something that has been bugging you for while, I think we should know, right?" Chase asked. Everyone nodded in agreement. "I told you guys, it's nothing to worry about." I said to them. "Can you at least tell us when you started having these feelings?" CJ asked. "About a year ago, during Skye and Chase's wedding." I answered coolly not even thinking what the big deal is. The other's just stared at me as if they just saw a ghost. "What?" I asked. "Um, Iwis, did you have like um any vision duwing this pewiod?" Zuma asked. "Well uh yeah, how did you know?" I asked. "Um, lucky guess." He said nervously. "You're hiding something, Zuma." Rocky said. "What, no no not at all, not hiding anything at all." Zuma said backing up putting on a 'oh oh busted' look. "I've known you for a while and I can tell you're hiding something." I said as we walked closer to him. "Alwight, you got me, duwing the pewiod I've been having visions too." Zuma confessed. "So what does it mean if we both have visions." I asked seriously confused. "Let's go tell Ryder." Rubble suggested. "Yeah, we can't solve this on our own." Marshall added. We all ran to the lookout.

Zuma P.O.V

We got to the lookout and told Ryder what was going on. "Ryder sir, we have a problem." Chase declared. "Huh, what do you mean?" Ryder asked confused. "Well, Iris and Zuma have something bothering them....." CJ started. ".....but they won't tell us what it is." Elise finished. Ryder walked towards us and knelt down to our eye level. "Iris, Zuma, you know we're a family and we don't keep secrets from each other. We're here to help if there is anything bugging you." He said to us. Iris nodded as a sign for me to go ahead. "Well, duwing Chase and Skye's wedding, I was having a bad feeling, but since nothing happened, I forgot about it. A month later, I had a nightmare about a pup destroying adventure bay, that's when I came to meet you to let me sleep with you." I told Ryder. Ryder remembered that day and realized that he never asked what the nightmare was about. "Then, I started having visions about my past. It continued like that until Iris brought it up today. It would either be a vision or a nightmare." I said to him. "Wow that's exactly what has been happening to me except the coming to sleep with you part." Iris said to Ryder and I. "If you ask me, I think this feelings you're having has a link. So we have to watch out, but we'll keep you safe, right pups?" Ryder asked. "Yeah we will." The other pups chanted. Iris and I just smiled. Suddenly we heard a thump outside as if something or someone just landed. "What was that?" I asked. "Let's find out." Iris declared. We ran outside and saw a light brown and white husky giving us a smirk. "Hey there, Iris, Zuma remember me?" The unknown pup asked. "Sapphire!" Iris and I shouted in unison. "The name is Zafiro now." Zafiro said showing off her claws like anypup would do. "You know this pup?" Ryder asked me and Iris. "She's my sister." Iris said. "And she's my puphood friend but we got separated for a certain reason." I said giving her a disappointed look. "What do you mean?" Rocky asked. "Well, it started like this...."

That's all for that chapter. See you soon bye.

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