Chapter 21

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The shot of the pistol rang in Abigail's head again and again. She tried to speck but nothing came out. She looked out of the carriage and saw the floor stained with blood. Abigail rushed out of the carriage screaming Caldwell's name but someone grabbed her around the waist. She struggled to get away from them but cold metal pressed against her head.

"Let me go!"

"Sorry little Lady but we've got orders to keep you put." Abigail started to cry tears of frustration but she still struggled to go to her husband.

"CALDWELL!!" She sobbed his name over and over again but nothing would change what happened. The sound of a cocked pistol made the man tighten his grip on Abigail.

"Let go of her or you die."


"Do you think I'd die that easy love? I've been through worse in the past." The man let Abigail go and she ran to Caldwell's side. Caldwell dug the gun harder against the man's temple.

"I thought I told you to stay in the carriage."

"I saw Tynan put a gun to your head....I hear a shot....." She cried into his chest and he used his free arm to wrap around her.

"We should be grateful Don has a habit to go to the door with a gun."

"So Tynan's...."

"No he's still here. Don hasn't had much practice in a while." Caldwell quickly moved closer to the man who held Abigail and stripped him of his weapons.

"I should have done this first. He could have easily shot you Abigail." Caldwell hit the man over the head hard enough to knock him unconscious. Abigail doubted the man was alive but she didn't want to check.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Stay hidden. If there was a way to get you into the house safely, than I would find one. But the path from here and there is the most open area." Caldwell cursed and turned to her.

"Caldwell? Don't you need this gun?" Abigail looked at him confused as he handed her a weapon.

"No I have my own. I don't need another man's."

"Y-You carry a pistol with you?"

"Always." Abigail looked at the weapon and looked back to Caldwell.

"Please don't get hurt." He smiled and brushed his lips across her.

"I won't die this day Abigail. I can promise you that. You just need to promise to stay safe and protect our," His voice dropped as he whispered. "Baby."

"I will."

"Than go find shelter I'll deal with everything else."

"I love you."

"Stay safe." Then they both moved into the shadows and preparing for the war ahead.


Abigail hid inside a bush and watched the land in front of her. It seemed like the whole earth was holding its breath as it waited for someone to make the first move.

"HEY! You all can go on with your battle but you have a lady out there. It'd be better if you let her inside the house for her safety." Dark chuckling came from the trees.

"I don't think so. She stays right where she is." Than the voice lowered into a hunted whisper.

"Isn't that right little Lady?" She gasped and turned shapely around. No one was their but she could have sworn...Snap! She turned back and saw a little light flash in front of her. She froze but realized it was across the forest. Gun shots came and went. She covered her ears and crouched down on the floor. She didn't want to think of Caldwell out there by himself against all those men and if he got hit again...what if he was bleeding to death! She didn't want to sit there, she wanted to go help him but she could kill someone. No matter what she didn't want to see another body fall lifeless. She wished all of this would stop.

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