My life Sucks or Does It

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The plane ride was giving me an awfull headache. Not only did i get a headache from the kid behind me kicking my seat, but my mom and stepdad where sitting across from me in a deap make out session. I mean get a room people your like 35 thats gross. I'm cranky,angry, and moody, since my ex best friend, Ally decieded loyalty wasnt in her vocabulary. You see Ive been in love with me bestfriend/ next door neighbor. I hade a huge crush on him but wouldnt tell himhow i felt. Why you may ask, well I was insecure and alot of people told me i wasnt good enough and pretty.  But behind every geeky girl is a beautiful girl waiting to break out and thats just what i did. Aparrently my  bestfriend Ally thought i would never break out of that shell. So she stole my crush and swept him off his feet. I know Ally knew i liked Drew. Embarrasing as it is, i even had had a collage of photos of him in my notebook. But what Ally did is done and theres nothing i can do to change that. 


I immeaditly turned around. "Kick my seat again and I promise you you'll walk out this plane with a limp," i yelled. The little boy turned red and I almost felt sorry for him. My mom pulled away from kissing Charlie and looked at me. Dont get me wrong i dont have a problem with Charli but their married now and that brings me back to my first point, it was to soon. If they asked me i think theve done the whole marriage thing to fast. My mom must think im clueless,but I've noticed her throwing up in the moring and surprisingly it not from charlies cooking. Charlies cooking is  phenomenal, and where moving so he can open up his resterant,Oh Charlies. " the plane is now landing please  stay in your seats and buckle in," the flight attendant announced.

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