Chapter 8: What the Water Gave Me

Start from the beginning

Gabriel stepped back and started to head into the kitchen, as always a smile on his face, "No worries, I get it. I think the only phone book I have is over by the couch. I'm gonna go get something to eat and then I'll check out some flights online. Let me know where he wants to meet us."

It took a few minutes, but I finally found the so called phone book that he must have decided was a fabulous place to put a month's worth of gum. I flipped through the first few pages and found an international collect call number for the Netherlands. My downfall in calling a foreign number? I don't speak a lick of Dutch, which I had no idea was the capital language there. My initial call was transferred six times before I could get someone who spoke enough English to communicate with me.

"Hallo. This is Sofie. How may I help you today, mejuffrouw?"

Finally! "Hi, I'm looking to get someone's number; I seem to have lost it. His name is Aiden Ambrosé, he's coming on a business trip to Hairzilzens. I think that's how you say it, but I'm not sure how to get ahold of him."

"Do you mean Haarzuilens?" Sofie laughed.

"Yeah, that's the one."

"Where is your friend staying?"

"Kasteel De Haar? Is that how you say it?"

"Yes. I can transfer you to the Kasteel De Haar's phone line if that is what you wish, ja? And this is a collect call as well?"

"Yes! Yes it is, and that would be great thank you!"

"Alright, one moment, alstublieft."

I had no idea what that last word was, but I assumed it meant 'please'. Seconds ticked past, and Sofie came back on the line again. "Mejuffrouw, are you still there? I have reached your friend. Shall I connect you now?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"You're welcome, goedemiddag."

A dial tone beeped her out and another voice came over the line that relaxed me, "'Alo? Who may I ask is calling?"

"Hey, Aiden. It's Dawn."

"My sweet Aurora, how are you, my friend? I have been waiting to hear from you." he sounded genuinely pleased to hear from me. Considering he used my name in Italian as he tended to do.

"Well...that's a very, very long story, and I can't say I'm fairing very well, either. I'm guessing you didn't hear about it."

A note of concern echoed back, "Hear what? What happened?"

I explained in summary everything that went on and why I couldn't contact him until now, "I think this guy has something to do with all of it. I don't know anything besides he has a following of brainwashed psychos doing his every wish, and he wants me to call him 'my shadow'. He's been going by the name Gerard in some places, but I think that might be a cover."

"I am so sorry that you had to deal with more sorrows. It saddens me so. Are you sure it isn't Charlotte and Emery leading all of this?"

I considered the idea before, but it seemed too drastic, "No. This kind of stuff isn't something Emery would be likely to do, he has too much good in him to be this way, but I guess it's possible with Charlotte being there. I just don't want to know what phases they were talking about."

He sighed in the other end, "Well, let's not rule everything out, shall we? And as for your trip here, tell your friend that there is a private plane awaiting you at Logan Airport to bring you to Ireland. We have much to discuss on top of all the events you have shared with me. It seems there is much you must know about where you come from and why you are here."

The Venantium Auallonia Trilogy: Midsummer SkyWhere stories live. Discover now