Shut the fck up

10 1 2

Justin Bieber

What the fck? Seriously, what the hell? Is he forreals? I feel like crying whenever I see him. He is seriously so dam (I know how to spell 'damn') dumb, I'm just like 'O Meh Glob. Stfu'

How stupid can he get? Leaving his pet monkey in Germany? Pissing in a mop box? Fist fighting one of his fans? Really?

His appearance? Omg, don't even get me started. Wtf is up with his hair? His style?? He looks like a dam Mikey Cyrus reject. Shiz.

His voice... Oh. My. God. I mean, tbh I guess his voice isn't that bad now, but when he was younger? Omg. Shut up. He sounded like a prepubescent 13 yr. old girl that screamed for 5 hrs. straight. Basically, he sounds a donkey.

Fck. Shiz. Dam. Omg. Why? Seriously. Halp. Exterminate him. Seriously, come on God. Or whatever other religious lord thingy creator.

Why the hell do peeps idolize him? That's right. I'm talking to u (not u, u but the peeps who think he's all cool). My shit is better than him. Dam.

U have gotta be high to like him. Or a twelve year old that has no idea what kind of a retard he is.


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