Meeting Prince Charming

Start from the beginning

"What happened? You look problematic and...guilty." She asked.

"Yeah, I slapped someone. And he was a new student. Oh and I almost forgot that I freakin' ignorede him!" I confessed.

"You mean those guys?" She said pointing to the table where all the girls are surrounded.

"Uh huh. Pretty much." I nodded slowly.

"Though, honestly, he's good looking" Cassy raised an eyebrow.

"The worst part is..he's seated behind me!" I said in a shaky tone.

"That's good!" Cassy smiled.

"Good?! Freaking good?!" I said in shock with my mouth gaped open.

"Okay, then it's pretty bad." She took back.

"What am I gonna do, Cas?" I asked.

I began eating my lunch when suddenly "that guy"..Okay, let's just call him "the-guy-I-slapped".

So, he was totally looking at me. I broke our eye contact. Well, that was awkward. 

"So, you like him?" Cassy said out of the blue.

"What do you mean? I do not!" I gasped.

"Come on, he probably likes you!" She said excitedly.

I punched her by the arm.

"Hey! Now you're punching people on purpose?" she joked which made me laugh. Of course, the canteen was filled with chatters, most came from the-guy-I-slap's table. With the girls and everything. 

I wonder what he wanted to say to me. I thought with a pondering face.

I finished my food and went upstairs, to the library. I have got to forget about everything that happened. I want to read.

I went inside the library and greeted Ms. Hase, the librarian.

"Good Morning Ms. Hase! It's a beautiful morning to read." I greeted.

"Good Morning, Scarlet." she smiled.

Cassy really doesn't read much so she was just sitting at the table. I grabbed books and read them. When someone suddenly interrupted me from my reading. 

"Now who would bother to-" I whispered in a mad tone.

My mouth formed an "o" as I saw him standing there before me.

"Um, Cassy, I think it's time to go." I grabbed Cassy's arms and led her outside but-

"Wait." A voice, sweet voice for exact that sounded british grabbed my hand.

"Yes?" I faked a smile. But in the inside, I am so panicking. What am I going to do.

Silence was there indeed.

"Uh, look, I really have to go" I ran outside along with Cassy

 "He's really cute in person! You should go for him!" Cassy squealed.

"But, I so do not like him." I said.

But then, a man interrupted us.

"Hello, it appears you may have met my best friend." the man said.

"What, that guy?" I said pointing to the-man-I-slapped.

He nodded.

"So, what's your name?" Cassy smiled.

"I'm Kalvin." He said handing out his hand.

Cassy shaked his hand quickly and smiled at him.

 "Let's go, Cassy." I gritted my teeth pulling her away from him..

We walked away..

"Wow, that guy was hot." Cassy said daydreaming.

"You mean, Calvin?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah..." She sighed in happiness...

I walked with Cassy to our last period. Spanish Class. 

"Buenos dias, senora Kas" I greeted.

And she greeted me back.

"Buenos dias, Scarlet." She smiled.

And we all seated.

"¿Alguien recuerda lo que hicimos ayer?" Mrs. Kas said in spanish.

Translation: Does anyone remember what we did yesterday?

"La señora Kas! Vamos a tener un examen hoy, ¿verdad?" I said raising my hand.

(Translation: Mrs. Kas! We will have a quiz today, right?)

People stared at me in dissapointment.

"¡Ay! Se me olvidaba! Gracias, Scarlet" Mrs. Kas thanked me.

(Translation: Oh my! I almost forgot! Thank you, Scarlet.)

She distributed the papers to us and the-guy-I-slapped was ,looking at me.

But I ignored him and just answered my paper anyways. DONE! Wow. This was too easy.

"La señora Kas, estoy acabado." I grinned.

( Translation: Mrs. Kas, I am finished.)

The other students also passed their papers.

"Good Job, Doofus." One of the jocks said in a sarcastic tone.

The bell rang...

I just kept a straight face hoping they won't do any pranks with me anymore.

Just when people started to get out of the room, I was fixing my things. All of a sudden, somebody went near me, I felt it.

I turned to see who it was. And it was him. Not again! 

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