I took a deep breath and headed inside the room that Joe was in. He did not look like the same person. His face was swollen, his eyes were both bruise, his nose had dried blood coming out of it and his lip was swollen. His head was even bandaged.

"Who's there? I can't turn my head to look. Someone speak. I hate silence." Joe grumped.

I swallowed hard, "It's me." I went to take his hand, his one eye that was able to open was looking at me, he tried to smile at me, "Shh, don't." I looked at him in a closer view. He had on a neck brace. He pulled his covers down with his other hands. His stomach was purple and blue. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I let the water gates flow.

"Babe...what's wrong?" he rubbed my knuckles.

"They hurt you...it's my fault.." I let go of his hand. He let a sigh. Maybe he agreed. "I caused this... I caused you to be in pain. Ever since we started dating, I have put you in a danger zone...I love you so much and I don't want you to hurt because of me.."

"Demi, I know what you're doing and don't." he tried to grab my hand again.

"I don't want to hurt you anymore,Joe...I...I..think that I should let you go...let you be pain free. I love you." I bent over and kissed his cheek lightly.

"Demi,please.." he begged, but I walked out of the room. I walked out of the ICU, calling Joe's parents. Joe gave me their numbers, just for emergency for some reason. "Hello? Who's this?"

"It's Demi. The girl Joe brought over." I sat down in a chair.

Denise's tone of voice change, "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes.

"I just want to let you know that your son, Joe is in the hospital and in severe pain. If you want to rekindle the relationship, I would jump in a plane here in LA and come to Ronald Reagan Medical Center. You might think he's useless, but he saved my daughter's life. Just an idea. Bye." I hung up. I went up to Marley's room.


3 weeks past from the accident. I was discharged from the hospital about a week ago. I felt a bit better. I was too weak to walk a long distance so they ordered me a wheelchair. My parents somehow found out about the accident, so they have decided to fly here and stay with me until I'm back on my feet.

I didn't like them being here, but they did help around the house by cleaning. I was doing my work in the office.

I tried contacting Demi, but she didn't answer. I miss her. I miss everything about her. I don't understand how she could walk away that easily when I found her daughter and she's having my baby.

I decided to turn on the radio while I work.

One day when the sky is fallin', I'll be standing right next to you, right next to you. Nothing will ever come between us 'cause i'll be standing right next to you, right next to you.

The radio was playing Next 2 You by Chris Brown. I glared at the stereo. One more lyric got to me. I picked up the stereo and threw it across the room.

"What did Chris Brown do to you?" Nick walked him, making startled.

I didn't reply, "Mom wants me to help you get downstairs. She's back from grocery store and she has food." Nick wheeled me to the top of of the steps. I stood up and put my arm around Nick. He helped my downstairs. I sat on the bottom step has he ran up to get to the wheelchair.

I felt completely useless. Nick helped me back in the chair and I pushed myself to the kitchen, "What are we having?" I saw dad holding piles of spinach.

"Something healthy." my mom gave me a look, I gave her a look back.

"I like my eating habits. I go to the gym. I don't need spinach. I hate spinach." I crossed my arms. My mom just rolled her eyes.

"Well, your girlfriend sure needs to go to the gym." my mouth fell open.

"She's pregnant! I told you when we had dinner! Guess you didn't lis--" she interrupted me.

"Are you sure it's yours?" I pushed myself to the door, I opened it.

"I want you and dad to leave. I can take care of myself. I'm done taking the same old fucking bullshit form both of you. All you guys do is judge me. I know I made mistakes, but I'm not person, no one is, definitely neither of you are. I am trying so hard to be nice to you, but all you guys do is put me down. You're still upset at me what happened 6 years ago. Look at me now, I'm not the same guy. I have a steady job, I'm becoming a father. My life is steady. If you still can't forgive me then leave this house and don't come back-- don't even call me. I'm through. I killed Demi's parents and out of everyone, she should be treating me like you guys have, but she has forgiven me, I wish you guys could because I miss my parents." I looked at them.

I started feeling my eyes tearing up, "I want my mom and dad again....I want them to love me like they did before I was fucked up...Parents should love you no matter what."


I was just finished up things in Joe's office. I checked the time, it was time for me to go to my baby check up. I picked up Marley. I had her to coming work with me these past few weeks since the accident. She wasn't her usual self. She barely said anything.

I went over to Kevin's office, "I was going to tell Nick, but he wasn't here. Anyways, I'm out. I have an appointment to go through."

Kevin nodded his head, "Alright, Demi. See you tomorrow." Kevin and Nick were acting bitter around me ever since I walked away from Joe. I didn't like to, but it was what was right. I carried Marley to my car. I got buckled up in the carseat and got in.

I drove off to the doctors, "You wanna get some ice cream after the doctors?" I looked at Marley in the mirror, she was just looking out the window. I sighed, I felt terrible.

I got to the doctor's and Marley stayed on my lap as we wait for my name to be called. I finally got called and I follow the midwife to a room. Marley sat in a chair as I laid on the examine table. The midwife felt my body and we talked about how I was feeling this week.

"So you're 16 weeks, we will finally see the sex of the baby, do you want to?" I looked up the ceiling, I was thinking how Joe should be here with me, but it's whatever. I nodded my head yes.

I raised up my shirt and she placed the gel on my belly. She scanned my belly while looking at the monitor. I heard a heartbeat, but it sounded like two heartbeats.

"Well, I guess I made a mistake last check up..Looks like you're having twins." My eyes got widen than the sun, I looked at her, "WHAT!? Twins?!"

"I see two babies," she turns the monitor towards me, "boy and girl." she smiled down at me, I was mix with feelings. I was having two babies are once.  

How do you feel about her having twins? By herself?- Chloe.

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