"How come your so close to Derek Saera? we've been in this school since he joined two years ago and not once have we had the chance to even stand close to him. Being here for only a week or so you've not only got a chance to share most of his classes but also talk to him frequently." One of Saera's friend, Natalie remarked. the others nodded to which Saera only shrugged and kept walking.

Suddenly she stopped standing still. The other girls not aware bumped into her and the guys bumped into the girls. "what the hell. why did you guys stop so suddenly? move it" Matt snapped pushing Kevin aside. The girls clearly ignored him.

"hey you okay? Saera why'd you stop?" Mary placed a hand on her shoulder looking at her closely.

"My head... I feel like its about to explode!" Saera replied holding her pounding head with both her hands struggling to stand straight. She was starting to get that weird feeling she always got when ever Derek was around. But this time it was much worse.

"Is she alright? maybe you should go back to the school and get someone pick you from home.." Kevin said as he moved to the front of the group.

"I...I'm fine.." Saera somehow managed to say through heavy breathing.

"Are you crazy? You don't seem fine Idiot! Don't screw with me." Kevin held her by the shoulder and shook her hard hoping to bring some senses into her brain. Saera felt a chill blast of cold wind hit the back of her neck. Suddenly her friend cried out.

"Hey look over there. Who are those two?" She said pointing to the other side of the parking area. Saera could make out two figures standing closely. They kept looking this way. what's this weird feeling I'm having. as if they're watching me intently

One of those figures was a girl who had a mass of long dark flowing hair just below her shoulder. Her Grey eyes looked strangely lifeless. Whereas the guy beside her had dark iris with cropped brown hair close to his color bone. They weren't anything alike except one fact. Both of them were beyond Breath taking good looking. Saera felt that just a glimpse of them would make any guy or girl's heart race. Are they models?why are they here at our school?

Suddenly she felt her heart pound against her chest. Her mood started to change. Just by looking at those two in-human beauties she didn't feel impressed anymore..but enraged. She wanted to run across the parking area and strike them with all she's got.

Wha..what's happening to me? who are those two strangers? what's this weird feeling? am I finally going to be taken to an asylum?

Saera's shoulders started to drop. she was losing all her energy to keep standing. Kevin quickly put his arm around her shoulder to support her. He kept looking at her confused and slightly worried.

"They look like fashion Models.. or maybe college students. I wonder what they're doing here. I've never seen them before. There's... something strange about them, don't you think guys?" Aaron managed to say after he was able to fall out of his trance by staring blankly at the gorgeous unknown girl.

"Yah... I noticed it to." Kevin kept staring at them. "They're too good looking aren't they? that's what you meant right Aaron? And here I thought only Ryder and his Mom were fallen Angels from Heaven. I guess there are other 100% perfect people who exists in this world as well. Why is God so cruel." He faked as if crying to which in return he got punches from his friends.

"Hey!" He snapped at them while glaring. Saera pushed Kevin aside and started walking towards the two strangers. Her mind was blank. Two words kept ringing in her ears. MURDER THEM! she was walking quite unsteadily looking like a zombie who had just sprung out of its grave.

out of no where suddenly a hand caught her by the wrist pulling her back. The sudden movement made her gain her proper conscious again. She turned around to see who was holding her hand and found herself staring intently at the heavenly pale Golden eyes of Derek Ryder. Everything around her became a blur with only him in her vision.

His grip was gentle yet firm and the place his hand touched hers burnt. The inside of her body ached but she didn't want him to let go of her hand. She felt as if she would drown into unconsciousness, into a world of black if he let go. Saera had the strange urge to cal out his name but wasn't able to find her voice.

Derek's eyes never wandered away from her. He kept staring at her with a forceful expression. Like he wanted to consume her whole.

"Never get close to them." He said and being able to hear his voice made her feel safe. He nodded his head at the two strangers. Then he let go of his grip on her hand.

The atmosphere around them had gotten intense. It was like someone had cut off the oxygen supply. It was hard to breath. Without another word to any of them Derek made his way towards the two hidden from view from the others.

"Derek... wait up man" Kevin called out to his friend but he didn't turn back, just waved and kept walking.

The group of friends inched closer to her still staring at Derek as he stopped in front of those two. With just a few words between them, they got into their car and drove off.

Before leaving Derek had turned towards them. He stared at his friends, more precisely at Saera. He gave one of his rare dazzling smile. her heart started pounding uncontrollably and her face heated. She was completely confused at these unknown feelings. The smile dissapeared and then he had vanished from her sight along with the two mysterious unknown people.

Everyone around her stood still, confused at what had happened and why he went away with the two unknown. while they were all busy thinking to themselves Saera realized something. She had gotten herself mixed up with something dark and dangerous.

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