Mrs.Kingsley just laughed at her before waving at her."Bring Chase home sometimes, he could play with Bash sometime." Chase was mesmerized by her Dog he used to ride on its back.


It was 11:30 Sharon entered the shop.
Mira one of her helper was already dusting the racks.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm late." Sharon huffed with Chase on her back.

Mira just laughed at her boss's daily dialogue. "Good morning Sharon.... You bought Chase"she said excited.

Chase loves all the attention he gets from Mira and savanah also called as Savvy. Not only he at their attention but also the customers. Almost every customer gush over his cuteness.

"Where is savvy?" Sharon asked before giving Chase to Mira.

"Savvy went to the storage to get few things."Mira said already playing with Chase.

Sharon shook her head before placing her handbag behind the counter.
"Comeon you can play with Chase later... get to work."

"Aye aye boss!" Mira said giving Sharon a salute.

"mommy... can i have the new toy?" Chase asked hopefully.

" No little boy not until ten days. Now go play with your toys in the office. The office is a little space near the staircase which Sharon arranged with a small couch a television for Chase to play. the souvenir shop is not that big infact its small and cozy. Sharon started of with small metal necklaces, cute cups that she brought from the city into the town. Its like three years ago she started and her shop these days is pretty famous.

"Hello, My Lady!" someone exclaimed bringing sharon out of her thoughts.

A smile lit up Sharons face immediately. she knew he would show up. Infact she was waiting for him to show up. It was his daily routine on his way to hospital he would come around and to see her. Sharon tried very hard to control her smile and turn around to face him Joseph. She raised her eyebrow at him questioningly. Joseph was a local doctor. They met a year and half ago when chase was not feeling and well Sharon had to rush him to hospital.

"I just came by say Morning." He said giving her his full grin.

Sharon just nodded her head in acknowledgment. "Jooooo...." Chase came out running out.

"Hello Young man. I didn't know you came with your mommy" Joseph mostly called as Joe animatedly started talking with Chase.

"You should cut some slack for that guy Sharon" Savvy whispered.

"God you scared me!" Sharon scoffed at savvy. Savannah was the one of the very first friend she had here in the town. Savannah was a college student but took a little break due to family issues and they were also very weirdly related to each other by marriage of their last cousin's .Sharon helped her economically by giving her a job.

"It's been what? A year and half? We all know how smitten he is by you." Savvy said smugly.

Before Sharon could reply Joe said his goodbye and was about to leave, when Savvy shouted.

"Hey Joe come home for dinner tomorrow night....Momo wants to see you."

Sharon glared at Savvy. While Joe shouted a count me in.

"What? She called me up today morning to Invite him"

"I know what you both are scheming about. But for your information it will happen only when i let it happen and not other way round."

Though those were the words that came out of her mouth she was super excited to see him tomorrow in those loose t-shirt and black jeans he probably would wear.

Ex- husband and babiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ