Chapter Two

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Applying a final coat of mascara onto her already thick lashes, Blair took a step back and examined her face through her full length mirror. 

She had originally planned on curling her hair that morning but had slept through her alarm that morning much to her- and her mothers- dismay. One of the perks of having naturally straight hair is not having to do much with it and also not ruining it with all of the heat. Honestly the amount of heat girls use on their hair these days makes Blair wonder why they aren't bald.

Smoothing the front of her gray nirvana shirt she made a silent note to thank her best friend Ahri for helping her pick the outfit out. Just moments ago they had been on the the phone deciding what to wear. 

Blair's alarm clock switched numbers so it now read 7:57. She still had a bit of time before her ride would come to drop her off at school. The lady who had been driving her for the past four years was nice enough, although she did have a tendency to show up at her door thirty minutes too early sometimes. 

Bounding down the stairs, careful as to not slip on the hard wooded floor as she was wearing socks, Blair strolled into the kitchen to find her brother eating a bowl of fruit loops. 

Swinging the refrigerator door open she decided to settle for an apple- green of course- and took a seat beside her brother. 

"Are you excited about today?" Blair asked Alec, taking a bite out of her apple.

He looked up from his milk with a face mixed with uncertainty and sadness. "Yeah but I'm scared about the big kids. What if they bully me?"  

"Don't worry you butt, it'll be good" Blair replied standing up to ruffle up his hair and then swinging her bag over her shoulder. 

"Thanks fatty" Alec called after his older sister who was walking to the front door. 

Bending down to tie up her black high tops, Blair then threw on her green army jacket although it was just September, Canada's weather was really bipolar. It would literally be Winter in the morning and be Beach weather by the afternoon. 

Taking a seat on the stool by the door Blair thought about what would happen today.

She really hoped her teachers didn't make them play that stupid game to get to know everyone or one of those annoying name games, Blair hated those. Like having to speak up in front of the class was just not her cup of tea. She'd much rather have everyone think she was mute, just like many did the previous year. 

She remembered sitting in her Geo class the year before and her teacher called her outside. He had legitimately asked her if she was mute to which she had laughed nervously and said she wasn't, just that she was quite. Definitely one of the most awkward teacher moments. 

Upon hearing a honk Blair looked outside to see the black van that she had been seeing for such a long time she often felt it was her own car. 

Unlocking her front door she said a quick good bye to her brother and shut it behind her.


"I didn't take it"

"Yes you did, give it back"


"Kaiden I swear to god if you don't give me my hairbrush back i'll rip your ass off"

Running a hand through his hair, Kaiden rolled his eyes at his older sister Camilla who was glaring at him while pointing her straightener at him. She had accused him of stealing her brush just because she had caught him using it to scratch his back once. Either that or she just really liked to pick fights.

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