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Libby's POV

"Ah, it's so nice to see you again..." Dr. Freeman said as she continued to look down at my information. I couldn't believe it. She had forgotten my name - again. I've been coming to this doctor for more than a month, and she'd already forgotten my name. How sad was that? I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and glanced over at my Mom. She was reading a teen magazine and smiling with amusement.

I cleared my throat. "Libby. My name"

She gave me the friendliest smile she could. "Libby! It's been a while since you've come to pay me a visit. Just let me make sure your information is correct. You were born on March 15th?"

I nodded. "Yes, ma'am." She seemed pleased that I was being so polite.

"What brings you here this morning? Allergies? Any sicknesses? Anything?" She asked, and my heart skipped a beat. I shifted in my seat again and I looked over at Mom again. She was laughing at an article she was reading - which was a good thing. I looked back up at Dr. Freeman and it seemed that she was growing impatient. I had to come up with something soon or else she'd know that I'm lying. I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and sat up straight to speak.

"I...uh...have an UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)." I was lying. She raised an eyebrow and I bit my bottom lip - a stupid habit of mine. She was writing down on the clipboard. "A-Are you writing down what I j-just said?"

"Yes, Libby. We need to get you checked out as soon as possible. First, we need to get your mother out of the room." We both turned around to look at Mom. She was so into the magazine that she didn't even know that we were looking at her. I shrugged my shoulders when Dr. Freeman cleared her throat. Mom looked up from the magazine.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"I need you to step out of the room for a quick second. I need to check on Libby's health." Dr. Freeman instructed. "As soon as we're done, you can come right back into the room. I'll send your daughter out to come get you."

"Alright," Mom murmured and got up from her seat. I noticed that she didn't put the magazine down, either. She walked towards me and kissed me on the forehead. "Come get me as soon as you're done, okay?" I nodded, shaking a little. "Don't shake, honey. I'm sure you'll be just fine." If only she knew the truth. She kissed my forehead again before stepping out into the hallway. I turned back around to face Dr. Freeman, and she was chewing on the edge of her pen.

"Why are you really here, Libby?"

"Excuse m-me? I have an UTI..." I muttered, lying again. She lifted an eyebrow and stood up. Before I could say another word, she went digging through the drawers, looking for something. Something important. "W-What are you looking for? An UTI test?" I crossed my fingers, hoping it wasn't an UTI test. I didn't want to take something that I didn't need to.

Dr. Freeman pulled out a purple box and clutched it close to her chest. I couldn't see the words on the box because her hand was covering them. She sat back down in front of me and smiled. I frowned. This couldn't be good. She crossed her legs and said, "Is there something you're not telling me?"

"I-I-I..." I cleared my throat. "Isn't there a form I need to fill out to take an UTI test or something?" I needed to change the subject.

"The forms are optional for teens." She explained. I nibbled on the inside of my cheek as I felt goosebumps forming up and down the side of my left arm. "You don't have to fill out the form if you don't want to."

"Okay, good." I said, relieved.

"You seem a little bit happy about not filling out the form. Tell me, Libby. Why are you here? And don't tell me it's because you have an UTI. We all know you were lying." She said and I sighed.

I frowned. "I'm here," I looked around the room at all of the health posters on the wall. I ran my fingers through my hair and looked into Dr. Freeman's gray eyes. "I'm here because I missed a period."

"So you're here because you missed a period?" I nodded. She wrote it down on the sheet of paper and kept clicking the pen. There was an awkward silence between us until something fell off of the counter. I got up to go pick it up, but Dr. Freeman shook her head. "Leave it. Libby, sweetie, when were you supposed to get your period?"

"I was supposed to get it two weeks ago. I thought it was normal to miss it so I left it at that. But now I'm not so sure..."

"It was a good thing to come to me. So you think that you're-" She started.

I finished the sentence for her. "I think I may be pregnant."

Dr. Freeman smiled, nodding softly. She handed the box to me and I turned it over in my hand. She had known why I was here all along. She turned her head to the restroom, "Go on. It's better to take it here than somewhere else." Slowly, I stood up and made my way towards the restroom. This test was going to change my life forever.

My entire future depended on this little stick in my hand.

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