The Real Shit

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Its amazing how bad someone can hurt you but yet you still have that spot in your heart for that person and every single day you see that person happy with someone else it kills you its like the pain never stops. One day your happy as can be then the next your so depressed you can't even move. And then your friends and family tell you to get over him/her but you can't because you still have faith that you guys can fix everything and get it back right but yet the person you love gets happier and happier with a different person each day. And it hurts that you can't do nth about it because they're happy and your not. But what's the best solution besides moving on?? That clearly hasn't been known to some people yet because if so those people would be happy and not sad about someone they know they can't have. So like I said what is the best solution? Help me not be so depressed that I wanna swallow a bottle of pills that I know can kill me or slit my throat and bleed to death cause right now that's what I want to do because I can't move on or get over the person who is causing me so much damn pain. I swear love hurts it really does. I maybe 15 but I know how bad that shit hurts and I know what it can do to you and it's not pretty. So do me a favor please be careful with your heart because its easy to love someone but its just as easy to get it broken. I don't hate any of my past relationships, I don't regret any of them either because I learned from them. Everything that happens to you happens for a reason I promise you that. You may not realize it right then and there but you will sooner or later I promise. I miss my ex boyfriend but I know its best that we don't talk or nth because we really wasn't healthy from the start. But I feel as if he was my first love but then I don't because I'm still young so I am gonna find other people later in my life. But yea that's my experience on "love".

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