Chapter 1

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Chapter One

The sweet feeling of adrenaline. That was all I could feel as I shoved my sword through the man's chest. I smirk to myself as I pull my sword out of him and slice it through the air to clean the blood off of it. I put my sword in its sheath as the man slumped to the floor, dead.

"One," my commander's voice of authority said through the black headset. I sigh as I put my hand up to my black earpiece.

"Yes sir?" I respond. I take the small moment to take in my surroundings. I was in a storage house, full of tall wooden shelves overstocked with boxes and other junk. The walls were wooden, clashing with the grey concrete floor. I frown as I notice the red pool of blood from the man adding more of a clash to the interior.

I snap out of my thoughts as commanders voice of authority booms through the earpiece, "Has the orders been fulfilled?"

I narrowed my eyes as the cold words released from my tounge, "Have I ever failed to fulfill my orders, sir?"

"No." Then after a short moment, "Are you ready for your next assignment?"

A low growl came from the back of my throat, "I need a break, sir, this is the fifth one today."

I could hear the smirk in his voice, "You think you have a choice, and that's sweet and all, but it's time you take that sword of yours and do what you were made to do."

I close my eyes, losing my will to fight with him, and respond softly, "Yes commander."

"That's my girl." His voice sounding sickening sweet. "Now," His business voice takes control, "Your next target is eighteen year old..."

I spaced him out, not caring what he has to say, it would be emailed anyway. I start walking to the front entrance, hearing nothing but the sound of my combat boots on the cement floor and the faint voice of my commander.

"Did you get that Kat- I mean One?"

"Yes sir, bye sir." I replied short to the point, ticked off that he almost spilled my identity.

"I swear One if you mess this up-" He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, I then click my headset, cutting him off. I walk outside the storage house, stopping on the cracked sidewalk.

I bring my arm up in-front-of me and my orders screen pops up, telling me what my orders are. I skip his crimes and background information, and go straight to his name, appearance, power and the location. Name: Alex Asama; Description: 6'3" Black hair, cornflower blue eyes, and black cloak; Ability: Unknown ; Location: East Side, 9826 Martyn Blvd.

A car horn broke me of my concentration. I bring my gaze to the black limousine parked in front of me. The back window slowly works its way down, revealing my commander, Luke, with his signature smirk. The door opens, indicating it was my ride to my next target.

As I got inside the vehicle, my commander says, "That wasn't very nice, One. Hanging up on your commander before he could finish instructions. You're lucky I don't give you a punishment for your actions."

I ignore him and stare out the window, hoping that this torturous car ride would go by faster. I could hear him babbling about who knows what. He caught my attention when he asks, "Do you remember what President Richard said to you that wonderful day a year ago?"

My head snaps to look at him, locking my electric blue eyes with his emerald green ones. My voice barely above a whisper, "How could I possibly forget?"  

Hey guys I hope you liked my first chapter. I try writing\updating when I can. Sorry for the wait...


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