Part 4 - Perfect Question

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Sage's POV:

"I have to go early." I stated as I wagged my tail back and forth. Nothing was happening around the town now anyways, nothing that the others couldn't handle without me. I'm sure they'd be fine on their own, I mean, what's one less person?

"Got a hot date or something?" Aiden laughed as we walked slowly around the perimeter of the town.

"Something like that." I muttered back, under my breath.

"Who's the lucky girl?"

"You wouldn't know her..." I said quietly then decided to add more to that. I needed to make this convincing. "She's from out of town, probably just a one time thing anyways." The one time thing part wasn't a total lie. In reality I couldn't see this going very far. With my mother and my loves to ruin things for me, or so it seems.

"Then you get outta here!"

I laughed and thanked him, before running off.

"Go destory that bed, boy!" He called after me with laughter.

Kyle's POV:

I took in a deep breath and rang the door bell. It was answered quicker than I expected. The door opened and there stood Sage. He wore the same outfit as this morning but now he had this hair pulled back in a neat ponytail.

"Come in." He smiled weakly at me, stepping aside. 

I gave a confident smile back and walked into his house.

It was beautiful. A large sitting room to the left, a decent sized kitchen to the right and a spiral staircase in the middle. The walls were a gentle green color and the floors were dark wood. 

He led me up the stairs swiftly. "Now...please excuse my room, I promise that I would have cleaned more if I had the time." He whispered. I was being led down a narrow hallway lined with doors and pictures. We stopped half way down and turned into a door on the right. 

Sage's POV:

"Make yourself at home." I breathed as I plopped down on the bed. Why was I doing this? "Oh and close the door, will you?"

Kyle closed the door and sat down beside of me. Thank god! Now I didn't have to look down at him. 

"Thanks for coming over." I said giving a weak smile.  What was I doing? 

"Don't be so nervous..." He cooed running a hand down my arm.

I shivered. I wasn't nervous. What would give him that idea? Maybe it was because I am shaking all over, looking around, licking my lips every five seconds and barely choking out words when I speak.

In what seemed like one quick movement, he had me pushed back on the bed with his lips to mine. They moved against mine as his tongue pressed for entrance in my mouth. I groaned and pushed him away. His eyes held confusion and hurt. "What if my mom comes in?"

"We'll listen for the door..." He told me, searching my eyes. "Carefully."

I nodded and took his face in my hands. Bringing his lips down to mine. 

He pulled away from me and sat up. "I need to talk to you about something..."

I sat up and looked into his eyes. There was something bothering him. He was biting on his lip and avoiding my eyes. This made me nervous.

"I can't do this. I feel like I'm just hooking up with you...and it's not right." 

"So you want to go home?" I questioned, trying to hide the pain in my voice. He can't leave already. I fell in love with those eyes. I need a chance to prove I'm worthy of them loving me.

"I was actually kind of wondering if, I don't know, you want to hold hands or hang out sometimes or..." 

I stopped him. " your boyfriend?"

He gave a nod while looking down.

I was so excited. I just couldn't control myself. Without meaning to I...

Kyle's POV:

SLAM! The bed's back board hit the wall as I hit the pillows. Sage was staring down at me, his eyes now had a playful look to them. 

"Everything okay up  there?" His mother yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah, mom!" Sage yelled rolling his eyes, before turning his attention back to me. "You're so beautiful!"

"Am I now?" I chuckled.

"Yes!" He laughed back.

"How attractive am I?"

"Very." Then he gave a playful grin and continued. "So attractive...I have to hold myself back right now. You wouldn't imagine the things you make me want to do to you."

"I think I can handle whatever you want to do." I smiled playfully back at him.

"Can you?"


"Prove it." He gave me a serious look.

"Okay." I grinned looking him over. "Do something."

Sage's POV:

Do something. Those words were flickering around in my head. What was I going to do? This is all so embarrassing. I would have to stall. "What?" I asked.

"You heard me. Show me what you want to do." He grinned. "I just might like it."

Without any thought I threw my shirt off. With shaking hands I tugged off his shirt as well.

"Is that all?" He laughed. "Stop teasing me."

I growled and starting kissing up his neck. Stopping below his ear I whispered. "At least I'm not taunting you with a perfect body." I pressed my hand against his stomach and brought my lips to his mouth.

"Definitely teasing..."  He muttered as he pulled away. "You aren't going to do anytthinngggg." 

I groaned and sat up. Staring at his body I let out a sigh and bit my lip. What was I going to do? I had a beautiful boy laying on my bed...shirtless, but then my mother was down stairs. 

"Stop holding backkkkk..." He cooed with a grin. "I swear I don't bite...unless you like that." 

"Stop that." I whined. 

"Stop what?" He responded much quicker than I had expected.

"Tempting me!" I shot back, closing my eyes.

He laughed and crawled over to where I was sitting. "You're fighting this a lotttttt...." After a moment of silence between us he continued. "Wanna see what you tempt me to do?"

I nodded, giving an uneasy smile. The butterflies were flying around my stomach again. How is this going to end?

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