"Ethan, is uhmmm...is Ashton the girl that you and I were talking about a few weeks back?"


"What?!" Ashton said surprised.

"You better answer carefully, Rugrat. Ashton is your cousin," Hanna practically theatened him.

"Hanna!...Ethan, baby, we can work things out if-," Alison started.

"Would everyone shut the hell up?!" Ethan stood up.

"Oh hell no! One of you bullshit parents better-"

"Hanna calm the fuck down and let me deal with my son," I told her.

"Auntie, I think you have it all wrong," Ashton chimed in.

"Ash don't let him force you-," Hanna started.

"He's not for-"

"I'm gay"

"Hanna would you-...what did you just say baby?" Alison got up and sat next to him on the couch. He now had tears in his eyes.

"I'm so sorry Mom. I didn't mean for this to happen. I-"

"No no no it's okay baby. Did you think that we would be upset?"

"Y-Yea. I-I was just s-scared so I've been talking to A-Ashton about it and she's been trying to help me figure out how or when to tell you guys," he sobbed and Alison held him.

"Ethan I'm sorry about everything that I said and for tackling you. You're my nephew and I still love you," Hanna told him as she bent down to hug him, "C'mon Ash, let's leave and give them some space."

"Okay. Bye Aunt Alison and Auntie Emily," she hugged both of us. Ethan stood up and brought her in for a hug and whispered something into her ear before kissing her on the cheek.

"Are you okay babe?" Alison asked as we were getting ready for bed.


"You know...you haven't said a word since Ethan came out to us earlier today. I'm really worried about you," she said as she climbed into bed and brought me down with her.

"I just-...I don't know, Ali. I messed up. He trusted me with this and I blew it up in his face-"

"You didn't know babe"

"I guess you're right...but I don't want this for him, Alison. I don't want our son to be gay, but not for the reason you think. Coming out was so hard for me and I was bullied for it. Badly. Thankfully, I had you there to help me and things eventually got better...but he doesn't have anyone and he's already getting shit for being autistic"

"He has Ashton, Emily. And us. He'll be fine baby, don't worry. I hate when you worry, you end up not eating and getting sick. Don't do this again, Em. He's fine," she reassured me as she laid down on my chest and pulled the covers up.

"Did he ever explain what he meant by gay? Like does he mean gay gay or bisexual?" I sighed as I turned on the tv.

"He's still not sure, but he knows that he is attracted to guys and girls. Lately it's been just that one guy"

"Well then he's bi"

"Let's not force him to label himself just yet"

"Okay okay. Can we just watch tv, I don't really want to talk about this anymore," I asked in the nicest way that I could.

"Okay," she kissed my cheek and returned back to her spot on my chest.

"Moms?" I heard one of our children call out from the outside of our door.

"Come in sweetie," Alison answered as we both sat up against the headboard and in came Ethan.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry again. I should've-"

"You don't have to apologize for anything, Ethan," Alison reminded him for like the tenth time today.

"O-Okay. Well...goodnight," he started to walk back out.

"I love you son!" I shouted just as he was about to close the door.

"I love you too, Mom," I'm pretty sure I heard him chuckle. My son.

Are you guys liking the direction that I'm taking this story in? Too much fluff or not enough? Too much drama or not enough? Sex scenes? Please let me know. I know that my writing has definitely matured since Time Heals All, but I still want to make sure that you can tell that this is a sequel and not just another story. So...what do you want too see happen in this story? Thanks again for all the votes and comments!

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