"This isn't a date! I swear!"

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Sorry I took so long to update! Haven't had time since thanksgiving and all that shit. Here's an extra key:

P/N= pet name

F/N/G= Favorite New Game

S/C= Skin color

F/C= Favorite color

Everyone should know the last two if y'all have ever read x Readers!
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Karkat glared at the device in his hand he had to use to get a hold of you. He sighed and closed his eyes before opening them again and try to contact you with it. He waited to see if his Hologram still worked after years of no use for it.

Your hologram device beeped, showing someone was trying to contact you. You went over to it and viewed who it was. It was Hematite, only someone you met the other day. You wonder why he's contacting you. Maybe he just wants to talk?

Karkat/Hematite waited for an answer while tapping his foot on the ground, seeing as he want very patient. Small taps echoed throughout his 'Hive' or as the humans call it, home.

you answered the call. your device was taking forever! You knew you should've bought the newest one, but sadly you spent all the money on the newest video game (F/N/G). "Hello?" You said, kinda annoyed by how shitty your hologram device is.


"YES!!! I mean...uh..sure. whatever" shoot. You overreacted about it, but hey, who doesn't like the arcade? You mentally slapped yourself for being so ridiculous.

You blushed a bit, your (S/C) turning a tint of pink. "Sure! I might have to bring my pet, (P/N) though" ANOTHER MENTAL SLAP FOR YOU. You didn't want it to turn into a date, but at the same time you did. So, you decided to bring (P/N).

Karkat/hematite nods "OK NOOKSNIFFER. I GOT TO GO GET READY. DON'T FORGET!" Karkat/Hematite was nervous as he turned off the hologram. He sighed in relief as he went to get ready.

"Um...okay" You said as you turned of your hologram device. You decided you should go get ready too. You chose (F/C) Hoodie, a red polo, (F/C) jeans, and yellow converse. You think you look pretty swell. "(P/N)!!!" You called, as they came down from the steps.

Karkat/hematite was in his same get up though he had to change since he wanted to look fresh. He grabbed Crab Dad (a shrunken version) and ran down the steps, tripping at the very last one and sending Crab Dad flying in the air. He landed on the couch luckily and was only petrified of heights after that. Karkat/hematite grabbed him again and ran out the door to the arcade.

You started walking to the arcade aswell, kinda nervous. For some reason he gives you butterflies when he looks at you. He makes you feel really safe. For somegem that lives alone, well, not really. You have (P/N). Can't forget about them! You walked in, wondering where he was. You just decided to walk over and play pacman with Topaz. He was a great friend you had in the kindergarten.

Karkat/hematite walked in to see you with Topaz. He instantly felt jealousy burn in his gut. He shook it off and put Crab Dad on his shoulder before walking to you. "HEY (G/N)."

You jumped at his voice, you were really focused on the game. "Hey hematite! This is Topaz, one of my friends from the kindergarten. " You frowned at the last sentence, you didn't want him to know that you were born there, but it spilled out anyway. MENTAL SLAP TO THE CHEEK. you seemed to do that a lot when you talked to, or you're with him. "Hey." Topaz said.

Karkat did his best not to glare. It happened anyways. Karkat glared Topaz down. "HEY NOOKSNIFFER" Crab Dad on the other hand was snapping his pinchers at Topaz seeing Karkat was jealous.

"Why...why don't we just go play games, hematite? Topaz looks pretty busy with pacman!" You stuttered. You aren't really good with this kind of stuff. Topaz nodded in agreement. Thank god that he's okay with this. "Thanks Topaz!" You hugged him then walked off with hematite to play other games.

Karkat agrees and walks with you, feeling a little less jealous. He hesitates to grab your hand as he looks for a 2 player game. Your shoulders almost touched giving Crab Dad the chance to jump on your shoulder and crawl up your head. Karkat chuckled as Crab Dad snuggled into your head.

You squeaked a bit feeling him on your head, but then you realised it was just crab dad. "See any two player games? " You asked, looking around to avoid his gaze. This place was kinda empty today! Lucky! You never liked big crowds, and you REALLY don't need rumors to be spread.

Karkat laughs slightly "WE COULD TAKE TURNS PLAYING A ONE PLAYER GAME IF YOU WANT." Karkat turns to you with a light blush on his face. Crab Dad went back to Karkats shoulder and went to his ear. Karkat bursted out to a full on red blush. He covered his face with his sweater sleeve.

"Can we play Galaga? " that was your favorite old-timey game. All the little rockets and bugs. Lil buggers gonna die today! You stopped your daydream and looked at hematite. "Are you okay?" You asked, kinda worried since his face was really red. Maybe he was sick? Oh god!

Karkat waves her off with his other hand "I-IM F-FINE!" Crab Dad clapped his pinchers together and if crabs could smirk he surly would. You could feel the smugness off of him too. Karkat looks at her "LETS JUST PLAY!"

"Maybe we should just go home.. " you kinda felt disappointed, but you are really worried. What. OH MY GOD THEY HAVE IT! You mentally screamed and rushed over to play Galaga. You inserted a coin and began to play. "WOO HOO" oh shit. You said that out loud. Now you REALLY embarrassed yourself and blushed again.

Karkat chuckled and walked to watch you play. His face had cooled down and only little bits of pink where dashed on his cheeks. He leaned on the machine tie watch you play. Crab Dad watched you play to.

--timesKip to after playing games--

"That was fun! Wanna do it again sometime? " You asked, then tried not to cover your mouth. You hope it didn't sound like a date to him. Blushing again, you fake sneezed into your hoodie sleeve. MENTAL SLAPS ALL AROUND FOR EVERYONE TODAY!! You thought.

Karkat nods. He didn't exactly smile a lot so nods where his versions of smiles. "WE SHOULD DO IT AGAIN. SEE YOU AT SCHOOL MONDAY." Crab Dad argued in his ear as Karkat waved and just so slightly, the corners of his mouth turned up as he left.

You squeaked and smiled all the way home. (P/N ) smirked at you. "Oh shut up, I know you like him too." You smirked and hit their shoulder playfully. Fourth five minutes later, you came back home and flopped down on your bed "home sweet home!" You whispered, falling asleep form the long and AMAZING day you had.

Gemstuck! Karkat X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now