How You Met

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Your alarm was going off.

You rolled over to check the time, "EIGHT THIRTY! WHY DIDN'T MY ALARM GO OFF AT EIGHT! UGGHH!" You had to get dressed, stop and get coffee, and make it to work in 30 minutes! How was that going to be possible?!

You rolled out of bed and quickly got dressed into your work attire which included, a black pencil skirt, a white blouse, and black heels. You decided to leave your hair natural and just apply a little bit of make up. You grab your keys and purse, then rush out the door.

Okay, 10 minutes. 10 minutes, 10 minutes.

You were driving quickly to reach the coffee shop and when you arrive, you bolt to the door. You were lucky that this morning wasn't busy. You order 5 coffees, one for you and the rest for the people you were having a meeting with this morning.

You arrive at the work building where you are your boss' assistant, and make it inside with 1 minute to spare. You sprint up the stairs to the meeting room-not having time to wait on the elevator.

You barge through the door, coffee in hand and circle around the large meeting table to serve the coffee, "Well, well, well, look who decided to show up." your boss says as all of the people around you snicker.

"I'm, so sorry sir. I-" you were cut off,

"Save it. Just take a seat." You obey your orders and find a seat across from a young man.

You stare at the young man taking in his appearance, he has sparkling blue eyes, beautiful blond hair that is formed into a perfect quiff, and a warm smile. This man is attractive.

You were than brought back into reality when the man in front of you clears his throat. You quickly straighten yourself and the man notices which causes him to smirk.

Throughout the whole interview, the young man across from you kept staring. All you could do was blush and hide your face.

The interview was finally over and you were gathering your belongs, "Hi, I'm Niall." a hot Irish voice said from behind you.

"Hey, I'm (Y/N)."

"You look beautiful." You could feel your cheeks heat up. You don't usually get comments like this.

"Um, thanks. I-I should probably get going." you say as you turn around to be face to face with the young man named, Niall.

"Yeah. Um, canIgetyournumber? Yourjustreallybeautiful. YoucaightmyeyeandIwouldlovetogettoknowyoubetter." Niall said quickly. You could notice he was nervous. Why is he nervous?

"Haha. Um, that was a little to fast."

"Can I get your number?" he said with a cute smile on his face. How can you resist?

"Sure!" You two swap phones and enter your number.

"Um, call me some time, yeah? I would love to have lunch with you sometime."

"That would be lovely! I'll um, text you later. Bye."

"Okay. Bye, love!" he says and walks away. Love you could get used to that.

When you get home later that night, Niall texts you,

~Hi, love.

-Hi! Wyd?

~Thinking about a beautiful woman. You?

-Nothing. Well that must be a lovely women if she's constantly on your mind. ;)

~Yup! You are a beautiful women and you are constantly on my mind.

- You cheeky little thing!

~Ik! How about we go have lunch tomorrow?

-That sounds amazing! I'll tell you my address tomorrow when I wake up. Goodnight! <3

~Goodnight, love! <3

That night you go to bed with a huge smile on your face, excited for tomorrow.


I hope you enjoyed this! This is our first imagine written by Morgan! We will try and update every Wednesday!
Please comment, vote, and share! Feed back is appricieated!

^.^Chloe & Morgan^.^

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