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Christmas morn was always an exciting time

especially for a young boy of four

presents under the christmas tree

colorful and magical, on the floor

i don't remember what i asked Santa

to bring me that year

but it didn't matter much

except for clothes, it would fill me with cheer

i remember my mom and dad and sister

all opening presents in turn

with a Christmas album on the stereo

and mom hoping Christmas turkey didn't burn

i don't remember what i got that year

and really it didn't matter

there were candies and Christmas apples

hot chocolate and lots of chatter

it was dad who pulled the last present

from under the lay-z-boy chair

my eyes were wide with surprise

i didn't know it was there

i do remember my dad saying

"son this present is for big boys

you have to look after this one

more than any of your other toys"

i tore the bright paper off

and my eyes they opened wide

it was the most amazing thing i had ever seen

better than any other toys

my dad helped me put it together

it took an hour or so

and when it was all done and ready

my dad showed me how to make it go

it went back and forth across the living room floor

i couldn't believe it was mine

its light shining in front of it

the other cars pulling behind

there was an engine, a box car

a tanker, flat bed and caboose

our cats kept walking across the tracks

like some prehistoric giant moose

i remember the brand name was Lionel

it was red and green and blue and grey

the memory is still fresh with me

because i see them every day

the set sits atop my kitchen cupboards

in front of a station, built by dad

i look at it every day

the best present i ever had

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