solving the case..

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harrys pov;

"All I've found out is that his mom died recently." Niall spoke up as he read an obituary that he found on the internet about Jaydens mom. "I wonder if his mom dying caused him to freak out."

"No reason to hurt a girl." I spat as I searched more. "We don't know for sure, but I can see it in her eyes..she's scared." I stare off into the screen and remember the way her eyes looked. So dark, so sad. I swear she even flenched a little when i got near her. Do I look dangerous or something? All I knew is that i wanted to find out what was wrong with her.

I wanted to save her.

"Hey man look at this.." Niall hit my arm hard. I looked over to his computer and saw that he was looking at a news article.

It was about Jaydens Father a few years ago.

carters pov;

"Mom, you look absolutely beautiful." I pressed my hand on my heart. It was filled with jealousy. I looked at her standing in that beautiful white gown. "That's the one."

"I think so too." She smiled into the full body mirror. It was a princess style wedding dress with a corset. It was Carters dream gown, and definitely her mother's.

"I'm proud of you mother." I got up from my seat. "My dad mightve not been the right one, but this guy is and I'm beyond happy for you."

"I have a question for you." She asks looking to me. "How are you and Jayden?"

The question confused me. Does she notice anything? I swore I was doing a good acting job. "We're fine. Why?"

"I just...ever since what happened with his mother...You haven't seened happy since." She let a sigh out. "You're my daughter. I know when something isn't right." She was right.

"Things have been tough. He's still grieving and Im doing my best to help him, but I don't think its working." I told her.

"And its making you unhappy?"

"I'm happy. Just devastated. I think I lost my Jayden....he isn't the same anymore. I still love him to death though." I said quietly.

"Well, its getting late. You need to get home and so do I. Im just gonna buy the dress and we will head out. We will talk more, okay?" I nodded and we finished the day off.

When I got home, it was dark in the house. "Jayden?" I called out softly. Was he home? I heard no response. I walked into the kitchen and there was a note on the fridge.

"Carter, I'll be out for the night. Don't wait up. Behave princess, or else. Love, Jayden."

I didn't want to be alone. Since he wasn't gonna be home...I decided to go over to my mothers and stay the night. It was better being there anyway.

harrys pov

"You know what they say, Father like son." Niall was shaking his head while finishing up the article. It was about the big arrest on him for the abuse of his wife and son. Apparently it was the biggest case at the time because he made a huge scene about it.

"I don't want to scare her though." I thought about it. She's hiding it for a reason. "Plus we don't even know for sure if thats the case."

"Whatever. When we get the chance we will talk to her. Or let her tell us herself." Niall sighed. It was silent until my phone began to ring. It was the gym that Carter mentioned she worked at. I had called to see if it was true, if it was that cold be a possibility.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello. This is Harry Styles, correct?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well we received your message and I can inform you that we do not have a Carter Bennett working here." Fuck.

"Thank you." I replied and hung up. "Carter lied. She doesn't even work at a gym."

"Ugh, this girls gonna be a bitch to handle huh." Niall laughed. We went back to do more searching even though we've figured most of it out.

As we sat in silence, the bell rung. Niall got up to answer it. Hs opened it, Someone appeared behind the door. I couldn't see who it was.

"Carter?" I heard her name said and I shot from my seat over to the door.

"Jayden is I came over so I wouldn't be alone." She spoke lightly.

"Come in." Niall opened it for her to come in. The small girl walked in.

"What have you guys been up too tonight?" Carter asked sitting down on the couch. We both looked at each other with a scared look.

"Studying. Researching." I responded. "We..kind of need to talk to you."

"About what?" Carter asked curiously.

"You see..we're guys and when we're around other guys we get vibes. They can be good, they can be bad. When I first met Harry, I was like..this dude cool as fuck. I knew right then we'd be buds for life." Niall hit my arm playfully. I couldn't help but smile. He was my best friend.

"So?" Carter raised a brow.

"And theres a guy that gives me the worst vibe. Just being near him gives me chills knowing something is bad about him."

"Who?" She asked.

"Jayden." I spit out. Carter looked down the her fingers.

"He's not bad at all." She denied.

"Carter, we can see it in your eyes that you're lying." I said softly.

"No! He's fine. He's a great guy. If he weren't I wouldn't be with him!" Carter raised her voice.

"You have bruises and cuts all over your arm Carter. I don't know you very well, but in just a few weeks you'll be my sister and I will not have anyone hurting you. I never had the chance to be protective over anyone and now I do." Niall raised his as well. Carter shot up and almost spoke but I cut her off.

"And we know you don't work at the gym." I still spoke softly.

"I'm leaving. You guys don't know him or me. Just because our parents are getting married does NOT mean you're my brother. Stay out of my damn relationship." Carter spat and ran out the door.

And we were left speechless. She really was dug so deep into that relationship. This was gonna be a horrible journey.


sorry for the wait...again work and school. But im on break, yaaaay
I work 12pm-10 pm tomorrow though, so wish me luck lol

How is it? More and more stuff gonna happen as the wedding rolls in. Now the boys are in a bad place with carter. But we will see how it goes. Exciteddddd

Vote & comment. Starting next chaptee asap


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